Chapter 11: I Can't Do It

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I was seriously thinking about telling Chres the truth about Marissa. Why she's always avoiding Jacob and why she acts the way she does when we bring his name up. Or why she won't even sit at the table with us at lunch, but I couldn't do that. Chres is my bestfriend and all but I have to keep my promise and I promised J that I'll keep it.

"Ray what's going on?" Chres asked me

"Nothing...I just...just really wanted to prank her that's all" i lied

"You sure?"

"yes! The prankster in me just can't take it anymore! I can't just let her sleep there peacefully"

"Well what did you have in mind?"

I quickly thought of a plan to cover the lie i just told. But I have to admit this was the perfect prank. I set everything up. Even the girls were in on it.

"Alright now are you recording Chres?"

"yup" he said. I took the feather out my pocket and tickled her nose. At first she didn't move but when i did it again she splattered her face with Whip Cream. Her head shot up. Me and Chres hid behind the couch so she couldn't see us. She looked confused. the first thing she grabbed was the towel that was covered in syrup. She wiped her face and got the syrup all over her. She got up and walked into the kitchen. She turned on the water to try to wash it all off but I unscrewed the faucet making water splash everywhere and she screamed loudly. Which was Kia and Chelly's que to scream. they screamed and Mary ran upstairs to check on them because that's what a babysitter is supposed to do. Me and Chres silently followed her up the stairs recording everything. She went into Kia room and Kia was lying on the floor as if she passed out

"What's wrong?" mary asked

"She passed out she needs her medicine. It's in the bathroom cabinet hurry" Rachel said

"Where's Chresanto?" She asked

"Him and Ray left"

"Ok" She hurried and went into the bathroom but when she opened the door a bucket of water fell on her head along with the bucket. That was the end of the prank and we all came out laughing

"Your not sick are you?" She asked Kia


"So this was all a prank?"

"Yup" Rachel said

"Mary I didn't have anything to do with it. I told them it was a bad idea" Chres said trying to lie

"But you're holding the camera" She said catching him in his lie.

"excuse me" She said pushing past all of us. She grabbed her gym bag and got out her gym clothes and changed into them. We were all down stairs laughing at the video

"Alright I'm leaving. Chres pay me please" Mary said. She had an attitude and was serious

"you're leaving already. it's only 6:30"

"yeah i know. Come on I have stuff to do"

I started feeling bad because she looked upset. Chres came back into the living room and gave Mary the money.

"bye mary" kia said

"Goodbye" She said and left. I looked at everyone else and they had a guilty look on as well. Then we all bust out laughing. Not meaning to be rude but that was halarious!

Marissa POV

Yeah i'm upset. I mean you should see my hair! My outfit everything was ruined. I didn't really find it funny so I just left. There's no way I can fix this on my own so I went and looked for professional help on my hair. I went to the beauty salon that was close to my house and thank goodness they except walk-ins. It was late so it wasn't that many people here. I walked in and sat down in the lobby area and picked up one of the hair magazines. i'm thinking about doing something different. i think instead of the Spice girl look I'll go straight. I've always wondered what my hair would look like straight but never had the time to actually straighten it. Guess now is the time.

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