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''Bye, Dad" Velma wave her hands to her dad, Stephen Lee who works as scientist." When are you coming home?" He stared at her sharply. "Maybe at 6" said Velma but it seems like a question. "Don't be late" He walked off toward the kitchen gave her the breakfast he made. "Here, take this and eat it. Don't let it go to waste" said Stephen." Okay Dad , Love you" Velma take the paper bag that full of food that she probably will not eat but she will just take it. Stephen just watched her go with a cold look on his face.

"Did you see her just pushed me? Urgh , she's such a-" the girl stared at Velma with a burning rage in her eyes. "Just let her be, you will waste you energy if you fight with her" the girl's friend make a disgust face toward Velma that just trying her best to ignore all the hate comments toward her." Do you have a class with Professor Mathias?" asked the girl.

"Yeah , I hate him . He always treat that brat kinder than us" the girls friend crossed her arms. " Really? What if he treat her like that because he likes her?" the girl smiling to her ears thinking about the new rumour she could make." Oh my god! That would be awesome "The girl's friend laughed so loud that makes other people stared at them both. "What are you staring at? Never see someone laugh before?" The girl's friend yelled at those who stared at her.

Velma's face started to flushed after a few people stared at her after hearing the girls rumour. She walked so fast that she almost bumped into Professor Mathias that trying to get into the class.

"Oh! Velma, you're late" said Professor Mathias stared at Velma's face that redden. She smiled but he knows it was fake." I'm sorry. I woke up late today" said Velma." That's okay , come on in" Professor Mathias smiled and he opened the door." Good morning!" yelled Professor Mathias when the whole class ignored him." Good morning Prof." replied the whole class. Velma take her seat in front of the class.

" So that's all for today "said Professor Mathias and gave the whole class a meaningful looked. Velma takes her tote bag and walked out of the class into the next class. "Velma! Wait! "shouted a voice that Velma familiar with." Hey, Mark" Velma turned around and gave the boy a smile. "How's your class? " Mark's voice sounds hoarse after all the running he made to catch up with Velma." It's okay, how's yours?" asked Velma backed." Same, Do you want to get a drink?" asked Mark and smiled brightly like a sunshine. "I'm sorry, I need to get to my next class , Maybe at 6?" Velma righted her tote bag." Sure! See you later! " said Mark and running beside Velma while waved toward her.

Velma smiled sourly." Eww, Why the heck would Mark be friend with her? She's such a teacher's pet "said the boy with sour looked on his face. "Yeah, I know right.I don't like her "said the other girl while laughing at Velma who pretends she doesn't hear them." Look at her, acting like she don't hear us.Such a brat "said the other boy who glared at Velma with a disgusted face.

"Here, why so sour?" asked Mark and handed Velma her over a coffee." Nothing, why you suddenly want to have a drink with me?" asked Velma, suspicious with the sudden." Why can't I have a drink with my friend?" Mark smiled so brightly that making Velma uncomfortable." Don't you have other friends than me?" asked Velma glanced toward Mark that seemed awkward with the question. "They just wants to become friends with me just for fame" answered Mark with sour face but trying to hide it.

" That's okay, At least you have someone that wants to become friends with you though" said Velma.Mark keep his mouth closed after hearing what Velma just said." You can't say that, I'm your friend" said Mark with a charming smile on handsome little face.Velma smiled seeing him smiling." I need to go back home, my dad will be furious if he find I'm not home" told Velma and fetched her tote bag and waved at Mark that looked like trying to say something to her." Bye!" waved Mark backed.

"I'm home! " yelled Velma and searching if her dad is at home.Her face drooped down when she find a poop at the floor.A cat stared at her with a shining eyes." Brownie! How many times do I have to tell you? Poop in the litter box, not at the floor!" cried Velma with a sad expression on her face.She get to the kitchen and fetched some paper towel to picked up the poop." Velma, don't be mad at the little thing" scolded Stephen getting out from the library.

" Dad, Brownie pooped on the floor again! "cried Velma and stared at Brownie that seemed clueless.Velma walked into her room that placed on the second floor with annoyed face.She slammed the door hard.She put the tote bag down on the sofa that placed on opposite side of the window.Velma fetched her phone in the bag with a speed.

'Are you home?' typed Mark a few minutes ago. 'Yeah, are you still at school?' typed Velma with tiredness all over her body.She let her head rest on the sofa.The ceiling watched her.Velma stared at the ceiling.She don't know why staring at the ceiling and the wall comforts her so much.It's like the walls talked to her and she understand the feeling being important but no one cares.The ceiling that full of stars that she sticked when she was little shined from the sunlight.The sunset shined into the room but Velma too tired to watched the view she loved.The sounds of waves hitting the shore loud in Velma's ears.

She turned around to view the beach where she always goes when she's overwhelmed by things.Her dad bought this house just because he knows she likes the sea and this house is the closest to the beach. ''Velma, what do you want for dinner?'' shouted Stephen from downstairs.Velma gets up and open her door and yelled, ''Anything will do!'' She closed the door slowly to not make any sound.She let herself fell to the bed.Her eyes shut closed. ''Brownie! Here, in the litter box! ''shouted Stephen trying to get Brownie to poop in the litter box.Velma laughed at how much her dad trying to teach Brownie.Without she realised, she fell asleep in the big comfy bed.

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