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"What the -" Velma woke up by the sound of scratching by the door. She opened the door and saw Brownie. Velma, dinner time! called Stephen when he saw Velma opened the door. She walked down the stairs carefully because she's still sleepy." I ordered pizza tonight, is that alright?" asked Stephen after seeing Velma in front of him.

Stephen and put the pizza box on the dining room table." How'd you know I like pineapple?" asked Velma with happiness in her eyes." I don't know that you like pineapple, but that's good that you like it" Stephen said with a little smile. Velma watched Stephen take the drink slowly." Here, let me help you" Velma said and take the drink from Stephens hand.They both sat down at the chair.

"Tomorrow I'll probably be home late" said Velma and ate the pizza hungrily. "Why? "asked Stephen with confused expression on his face." I need to do some research" told Velma and take a sip of water." Why can't you just do it here? We have a library here" asked Stephen." But -" Velma hesitated at the looked from her dad face. "You'll need to come back early tomorrow, no excuses! "told Stephen and ate the pizza with aggressive. Velma shut her mouth closed from her dad reaction.

Velma took a slice of pizza and put it on the plate.She walked upstairs with her pizza hurriedly. "Where are you going?" asked Stephen but Velma just ignored him and continued walked upstairs.When she opened the door, a shadowy figure stood at the of the room.

She glanced at the monster for a few seconds and walked toward her desk that just beside the monster.She put the pizza down and sit.Her eyes trying it's best not to stared at the monster beside her.The monster watched her with a bulging red eyes.

Velma felt the tension and anxiety started to come.It stared at her for long enough to made her uncomfortable.The shadowy figures hands tried to touch Velma's hair with it's long black fingers. She stands up abruptly and hurriedly over to the bed.She hiding in the cover with shaking body.'' What's it doing here?'' thought Velma in her own little head.

'' I don't see any shadow behind me'' thought Velma again but with a confused looked on her face. AHH!!! '' Dad!'' Velma shouted and ran to Stephens room.'' I'm okay. I just got my finger hurt'' said Stephen when he heard Velma running toward him.The cut was small but it was deep and Velma knew it hurts bad.

She fetched a band-aid and sticked it on top of the cut. You need to be careful, Dad. Im not always here to protect you said Velma with a worried. What if he cut his fingers off with the scissor he always used and he not the type to be careful. I dont need anyone to protect me. Youre the one who needs protection told Stephen and pulled his hand away from Velma.

'' I know, Dad. But you're clumsy enough to get hurt'' cried Velma when Stephen seemed to not care with what she said. ''Can you get out? I don't want you to teach me how to take care of myself ''Stephen said and kept his head low to not looked Velma in the eyes,Velma knew, though, that her head didnt tried to be rude but it sounds like it.People sometimes get mistaken that Stephen is rude but her dad is a sweet guy.

Deep in her heart she knows her dad loves her. ''Alrighty then ''said Velma and get out of the room and into the living room that just right in front of the room.

She caught a glimpse of a piece of paper. 'The monsoon season is here so please be careful and tried not to go out frequently' was written on a piece of paper. Monsoon season? Velma's forehead wrinkled.She walked to the nearest window and the sky was dark from what Velma can see.

'' Meow'' Brownie's paws was on top of Velma's leg. ''Hey, do you want to eat?'' asked Velma to Brownie that just meowing.She took the food can for Brownie on the shelves.Velma put the food in the bowl that was beside the water bowl.

BOOM! The thunder thundering loudly. She walked to the front door and open it.Her father's car was parked right in front of the door.The darkness started swallowing the surrounding.The red eyes stared at her with hunger in the creature eyes.

Velma noticed it and quickly get back inside.She locked the front door and sighed. ''Velma, is it raining outside?'' asked Stephen getting out from the room. ''Ahh....Not yet ''answered Velma.Her sweats running down her back.

The red eyes keep staring at her and she felt it.Her dad go to the living room and sit at the couch. ''I'm going upstairs, Just knock if you need anything'' said Velma and running toward her bedroom.Stephen that watched as Velma goes, confused with his daughter.'' What's wrong with that child? '' said Stephen and continued to keep watching the show.

Her phone was hold tight in her hand.She kept trying to force herself to fall asleep but her mind didnt allowed it.She shut her eyes closed and hoping to fell asleep naturally. 'Why are you not sleeping? 'asked unknown voice from inside the room.Velma's heart beating fast heart but she kept her eyes closed.' Why are you ignoring me? I know you can hear me 'said the unknown voice.It's voice deep and it's making Velma scared more than she already is.

She cant yelled or asked for help because before the help got here she already gone. Honey, why dont you answer me? asked a familiar voice that Velma longed to hear. Her eyes opened but all she could see was inside her cover. She pulled the cover down and a bright red eyes with sharp teeth. There you are The monster laughed and its making Velma wanted to faint.

Velma tried to scream but her voice won't come out.She hurriedly ran to the door and tried to get to the living room.Her dad was there and he stared at her in confusion.'' Velma, what's wrong?'' asked Stephen and grabbed Velma that trying to catch a breath.'' Help me, Dad!'' cried Velma and her body shaking. ''Calm down.....What happened?'' Stephen asked. ''The monster coming for me!! ''told Velma with tears fell down her face.

Stephen's worried face fading away and turned into a big smile.Her dad smiled widely.'' Did I?'' asked Stephen and his body turned into a huge black figure.Velma's eyes became wide that it almost looked like a marble.She screamed on top of her lungs and tried to ran away but her feet was stuck to the floor.She kept pulling it but it didnt even move an inch. ''There's nowhere to go '' the monster said while smiling showing it's sharp teeth.

Sorry for the late. Last week I was on a vacation with my family so I'm not at home. This week I'm also gonna be on vacation with my other family so I'm just gonna publish Chapter 3 in advanced. Thank you for reading this. Love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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