Chapter Four: "Khun and Cale"

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A/N: Hello! Hope y'all would enjoy this update!!


"Damn that rabbit! He's pissing me off! One day, I'll give him what he deserved! How will I find those two again?!" Yuri exclaims as she grumbles about how annoying it is.

"Wouldn't they be on Evankhell's floor?" Evan said as he cocks his head, thinking if his memory remember it correctly.

"Evankhell's floor? Do you mean the "The Floor of Test"?" Yuri asks as she glances at Evan. Evan nodded at her question.

"Chosen regulars go there first when they enter the tower. The Floor of Tests is where candidates their qualifications to go up the tower, so I think Mr. Headon might have sent them there." Evan explains to his Lady about the Evankhell's Floor. Yuri hummed and cross her arms while thinking.

"The Floor of Test. . . It's a bit dangerous there. . ." Yuri said as she taps her fingers and contemplated something. Yuri widen her eyes and suddenly raised her hand in the air, as if she made a serious decision. Evan furrowed his eyebrows and wonders about what got into Lady Yuri to act like this.

"Ok! That's it! Alright! I've made my decision! Let's break into the floor of the test! Let's bring Bam out and get back my Black March! I'm curious as well about how that red-haired man passed the test and what is his name! It's a rare event to get to know a handsome man like him!" Yuri said in determining voice as her eyes glistened in excitement. I knew it, is what Evan thought.

"No, Lady Yuri! We're not allowed to go there!" He shouted but Yuri shook his head and grins.

"Whatever! Show me the way, A-Rank Guide!" Yuri shouts and walks towards the door. Evan let out a long sigh and facepalm.

"Jeez. . . Why can't you follow the rules-," He can't get to finish what he is going to say when Yuri interfered.

"You know, Evan, there's no fun if we always follow the rules, okay? So let's go, Evan!" Yuri said then chuckles.

"You don't even follow the rules in the first place!" Yuri laughs while Evan snorts but still follows Yuri to catch up with her speed.


Whir. . . Whir. . .

Buzz. . .

"Mic test! Mic Test! One, two, three! One, two!"

Cale irks when he heard something loud and irritating his ears. He opened his eyes and found out he was lying on the ground as he touches the ground. He leisurely stands up and dusted off his black uniform. He looked around at his surroundings.

Where the hell am I? Am I in a wheat field? The area is full of vast wheat plants and rocky terrain. Am I still inside the tower? Curse that Headon! I swear, if I see him again, I'll smack the back of his head! is what Cale thought. He looked up when he saw a small gold box talking and behind it, is a floating castle located in the sky above this area full of "wheat field". Cale rubbed his ears when the small gold box starts to talk again.

"Hello everyone! All the "regulars" who have made it to the tower! We sincerely welcome all of you, to the 2nd floor, Evankhell's Floor!" Cale listened to the voice and record it in his mind.

"This is Evankhell's Floor. It is also called the "Floor of Test"! Because here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the tower!" Cale hates to participate in this kind of bullshit but he needs to survive because being alive is the best and Cale shivered at the thought of what GoD said that, if Cale was dead and isn't alive even in another world, Raon and others might destroy the world.

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