Chapter Six: "Shit Second Test"

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A/N: So, I'm kind of motivated to write because of how excited I am to play "Plop" though every time there's a dialogue, I need to translate it ;-; tho It's worth it 'coz of how handsome Cale is and also his voice 😩. Anws, Hope y'all would enjoy this! <33


"Stop hiding! You damn turtles! Come out right now!- YOU!" Hak exclaims as he retaliates an attack on Choi Han. While Choi Han and Hak are fighting, the young kid, Khun, Cale, and White Star are hiding behind a large rock.

"Let's hide in here until the test is over," said Khun. Cale, White Star, and the young kid nodded.

"Hey, kid, why is that humanoid crocodile following you? Did you do something to him?" Cale asks as he sits on the ground with White Star. Cale is still dubious about how quiet White Star is today. Is he planning something or will he just stay still? Impossible, is what Cale thought. Staying still is not on White Star's vocabulary.

"What? No. . . He just. . . He said he wanted to fight with this. . ." He stutters while he raised the weapon he had in his hands for them to see what weapon he's using. It's a jet black needle that is extremely thin with a slightly thicker handle. On the handle, there's something embroidered in cursive.

"What. . .? That needle?" Khun asks. Khun read what's on the needle's handle and narrowed his eyes.

". . .Black. . . Mar . . . The "Black March"?!" Khun hollers. Cale furrowed his eyebrows at Khun's unusual reaction. Is there something special in that needle?

"Oh. . .! Do you know what it is? It must be really famous-," the young kid couldn't finish what is he saying when Khun suddenly grabbed the young kid's other hand, which touched the ground.

"You. . . Where. . . Did you get that?" Khun solemnly asks while he firmly tightens his grab at the young kid's other hand. Cale raised an eyebrow seeing Khun's strange behavior. White Star quietly observed these people. White Star wonders if Cale Henituse would do something in this tower something incredulous just like what is Cale doing to destroy his plans. White Star chuckles while Cale suddenly stares at him in disbelief.

"Huh. . . ? It . . . It is . . ." the young kid stutters. Cale still wonders about how special is that needle for Khun to react like this. Is it from royalty or something?

"That weapon is a personal treasure from Jahad, the king of the tower, given only to his chosen daughter. Ordinary rankers spend their whole life without seeing it. How come a regular new to the tower has such a weapon? Besides, you're a guy. . . You. . . Who are you?" Khun squints his eyes as he observes him. Cale stoically nodded but he is shocked when he heard some pieces of information from Khun. That needle is really from royalty, is what Cale thought.

"I-I'm just an ordinary. . ." the young kid couldn't speak at all. Khun is scaring him, is what Cale thought. Khun stares at the young kid before he replied.

"I saved your life and I get nothing in return. Damn it! How stingy. . ." Khun said as he glances to see the young kid's reaction. Cale hummed and observed these two conversations.

". . . It is . . . It is just. . ." Khun inspects him. He's too weak to be a regular and he doesn't seem to know anything about the tower but he has the black march. He's too ordinary to be a regular but I got it wrong. He's the most unusual among the regulars here other than those three. He's interesting. He's definitely useful too. I also need to keep him close, is what Khun thought.

"My name is. . . Khun, Khun Aguero Agnes." Khun introduced himself. Cale thought it was also the time to introduce himself and his companions.

"I'm Cale Henituse." Cale introduced himself. Cale points at White Star and thought about what name he should use to introduce him. "He's Cale Barrow. You can call him Barrow if you want." White Star's eyes widen. He didn't think there would be a time that he will use that name again.

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