Chapter Nine : "The Administrator is vicious"

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A/N: PLOP OST is addicting!

Heyyy I'm back! I'm sorry for not updating like a month! You know, school kinds of stuff are really making me busy. I even forgot to play on my phone sometimes because of it LOL.

But in my case, school kinds of stuff + laziness are really the reason xD. *Sigh* I don't really like school. I just want to roll around on my bed and play the whole day lmao.

Anyways!!! I hope y'all would enjoy this update! I'm sorry if I make anyone OOC.

Since I was like gone for a long time, this is my present for all of you!!! This is my probably the longest chapter that I've done tbh.


"You guys look bored."

Lero Ro stooped over to see their faces, who are sitting on the floor of the stage, looking at the regulars trying to get through the barrier to pass the test with their bored and blank expressions.

- Cale, that man named Lero Ro, is suspicious. You shouldn't lower your guard.

Super Rock said in his mind but he just ignored what it said. The test administrator, Lero Ro, would be useful to him by providing information about the tower but he wondered how will he able to do it. Cale hummed while Lero Ro looked at him with inquisitive eyes. Choi Han furrowed his eyebrows, trying to know what his intentions are as he touch his scabbard. White Star yawned and observed what's happening.

"How about chatting with me for a while, guys? So you won't get bored." Lero Ro suggested and smiled. Bam looked up and Cale's ears perked up, chatting with him now will be his chance to know more about the tower. Lero Ro decided to sit between Bam and Cale. Choi Han is keeping his guard up and trying to convince Cale to switch places because Lero Ro is near Cale but Cale didn't want to sit with White Star at all. He rather dies than sit next to him. Choi Han sighed but he keeps glancing at Cale, worrying that Lero Ro might do something to his liege.

"While we're waiting, do you wanna play a game with me?" Lero Ro asks. Cale raised an eyebrow, wondering what this guy wants to do with them and Bam looked confused, "Huh? What game. . . ?"

"Let's guess which regular will be the first to pass through the shinsu. If you guys get it right, I'll answer any questions you ask but if I'm right, you'll have to do anything I ask. What do you guys think?" Bam looked happy but Cale felt iffy. Cale had an objection before Bam could say yes, Cale spoke.

"Administrator-nim, what if we had the same answer? What will happen?" Lero Ro hummed and answered his question.

"Then, since I'm a ranker, I'll still answer your question even if it's a tie. Do you still have objections? If there's none, let's play. I'll go first." Lero Ro raised his hand to point at the green-skinned, slightly lizard-like girl, with medium-length brown hair and brown eyes. "I choose that green girl. I think her name was Anaak. . . Who will you guys choose?" Lero Ro asks. Cale observed the regulars and thought of how will he know who could get past through the shinsu barrier.

- Cale, I'm sorry if I can't be of any help in this situation.

Cale can't believe what is Super Rock saying. Super Rock has been helping him before until now. Cale just ignored it and assessed the regulars who are likely to get past through the barrier. Cale also thought the green girl to be the first and glanced at Bam, who seemed to be looking at the green girl. It looks like they have the same thoughts.

(A/N: I don't want to make Cale a complete OP lmao so I only make him guess and since Cale has a spot-on feeling so he could easily guess and observe if something strange.)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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