Top Newspaper Advertising in Lucknow || WYSIWYG Advertising

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Advantage and effectiveness of newspaper advertisement is very high with reasonable expense. You get the best possible response by putting an ad in the newspaper.. Newspapers being easily available can reach the target reader widely where it is difficult to reach via other mediums of advertising. Customers are more habituated to newspapers for acquiring day-to-day news, thus it is easier to grab their attention to your advertisement that way. Here I am trying to discuss the types, tips and examples of newspaper advertising.

Types of newspaper advertising: In newspapers, there are different ad formats namely Classified Text, Classified Display and Display. If you are looking to book any of the above kinds of advertisements, release My Ad is the easiest and hassle-free option. By release My Ad, one can book newspaper ads with just a few clicks online.Classified Text is the standard running text format, calculated as per character, word or line depending on the newspaper. Classified Display Ad is more visually appealing than classified text ads. Here one can add customized font, logo or image to make the ad visually more effective for the target readers. These ads are charged on the basis of per And Display advertisements are the most extravagant form of newspaper advertising. They can be published on any page and can occupy any amount of space in a specific newspaper page. This is a bit costly in comparison with the other two types of ad format. One can choose any of the ad booking formats according to their target reader, necessity and budget.Newspaper ads can also be classified between different categories. They are-Matrimonial(wanted Bride/ wanted Groom)Recruitment( situation vacant, situation wanted, etc)Business(proposals/offers, for sale, etc)Property(for sale/ to rent, Accommodation wanted, Accommodation available etc)Personal (Change of name, lost & found etc)Education (Tuitions, admission open etc)Public notice (Intended marriage notice, court notice, government announcements etc)Travel (Tour packages, travel bookings etc)Services (Tally or data service-related ads, beauty parlour etc)Retail/ Shopping (Online book purchase, apparel shopping etc)Obituary (Sad demise, Months mind etc)Remembrance (One-year remembrance, 2nd-year remembrance etc)Computers (Laptop or system parts ads)Astrology (personal and professional problem solved by astrological gurus)Entertainment or Commercial Personal (Events, entertainment-related ads which have a commercial background).Tips for newspaper advertising: The main motive of publishing an advertisement is drawing the attention of the reader and making them aware of the business information and lastly convincing them to avail or purchase the product or service. To get the best possible response one has to follow certain tips and tricks.Advertising on NewspapersFirstly, you have to choose the newspaper wisely according to the region, circulation and readership. For example, if you want to publish a matrimonial ad in Kolkata then the best newspaper will be Anand abazar Patrika for that as it has the highest readership rate in West Bengal.You have to choose the appropriate date in order to get the maximum response. For eg; Publishing a recruitment ad on Saturday will be more effective than any other day. Many publications publish different pullouts in respect of category. For eg, Times of India publish their property pullout on Friday in Bangalore. So choosing release dates according to all these aspects will help to get the maximum output from an advertisement.Composing ad matter is the most important job in terms of the effectiveness of the published advertisement. It is very important to maintain proper space, punctuation and spelling for generating a sense of authenticity, dependency among readers. In case of matrimonial ads, it is very necessary to mention age, height, educational qualification or professional details and sharing if any special preferences are there like divorcee, non-divorcee, separated, NRI, physical disabilities and medical conditions etc.While composing a name change ad, one must keep in mind to clearly mention the old name and new name in the matter. In the Obituary and remembrance ad do not forget to mention the name and date of death of the deceased person and strictly not mention the reason of the death because that is not acceptable in most of the publication.While composing an ad matter, the most common mistake people make is they skip mentioning their contact details. It is very important to mention that for obvious reasons otherwise, people won't be able to contact you for business reasons.

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