Uprising Racism

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Hey guys, so this is a tough topic but I'm going to be real at a model minority Asian on how I feel about racism and experiences, opinions, and facts that have applied to me and some of my Asian friends.

I live in the U.S. Not the exact right country to be in BUT it gains me the perspective of being a minority and having the racism towards me in a "non-asian" country. When I mean "non-asian", I mean a country that isn't in the continent of Asia because that is definitely where all Asian SHOULD be at according to a vast amount of non-asians. I have lived here for over 2 decades and all I can say is my name already puts me in a spot.

Now, racism is a on a rise everywhere. Literally everywhere. No one talks about it as much when it is towards asians because we asians are seen as "model" minority. We are quiet, do our job, and don't cause "trouble," so now anyone can push us around? For real? Asians aren't violent and fighting for country and take over because we just want peace. Like we just want to live in peace but we are treated like crap because we look "weak." That is bull. Asians are not weak. We are hated on so much and we get what is called microaggression racism. Apparently its something that in wired into someone's head because we Asians get these type of questions all the time:

"Where are you REALLY from?"
(For real. Annoying. Just ask about my ethnicity. Don't ask me a question that points to the "exclude me for my looks as if I don't belong." Thats rude and very very offensive. Where do you really come from because last time I learned in history class you aren't REALLY from here either.)

"I have an Asian friend, so don't be offended. You might actually know her/him/them."
(No. I don't know every Asian. Thats so dumb and very very rude. Regardless if I do know that person or not that is a rude comment because when you say this it makes you sound like all Asians are the same and that we are small enough to know one another, so no.)

"I know this actually very "authentic" Asian place. You probably never gone there."
(Whether it's actually authentic or not, don't ever try to one up an Asian when they eat actual Asian food AT home with their parents, family, or even themselves. That is trying too hard.)

"That smells/tastes/looks weird."
(Yeah and in a couple months to a few years its going be a trend. Examples, sushi, Boba, K-BBQ, k-pop, anime just to name a few.)

There's so many things that microagressions are found. Let's remember to be mindful and respectful of everyone. Not everyone is a racist but everyone has felt racism. Everyone.


Do NOT try too hard or too woke. It is NOT appreciated. We like the use of our culture BUT do NOT fetish.

Cancel culture is getting radical and along with that is racism in micro aggression. Please be aware. Equality in quality.

Try to be careful with cancel culture. We have lost so many artists, both music and film, due to cancel culture on a small matter or matters that aren't even true, biased, or even fully investigated. There will always be someone to be offended, BUT do not cancel in impulse. Do NOT be impulsive with cancel culture especially when it involves race or a culture YOU know nothing of the actual people. Don't appropriate unless it is in arrogance and ignorance.

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