Chapter 3: Experiment

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The night went on quietly except for faint whispers and that one loop talking about trespassing that runs after 8:00pm.

The next morning, everyone woke up to the speakers saying its time to get up. But I wasnt in bed. Where am I? Why can't I move? I feel something like metal around my wrists, ankles, and head. A man steps into view, his nametag saying 'Dr. Onnis' "Hello...? Where am I...? What's happening...?" He says nothing for a minute as if trying to figure out what to say, then seems to be making a log. "1006, has woken up. We will begin the experimentation shortly." ...What?! What does he mean?

Some scientists wheel out a covered cart. They remove the covering, and my heart drops. "W-what are you gonna do with those...?" The cart is full of saws, knives, scissors, and other operation equipment. They say nothing. I try to wiggle out of the restraints but the two scientists hold me down. "No need for that, 1006. You will never escape." I start to cry and stop moving. "Good, let it go and begin."

Scientist 1 brings out a knife and starts cutting down my left arm mostly shallow and working around, as if skinning a rabbit. I scream and move again, not caring if the knife goes deeper or wobbles, I'm just trying to get out. Scientist 2 holds me down, as if caring for me somewhat. But mostly because the other scientist can't work with me moving. They completely skin my arm off, and start to replace it with fur. I scream more as the sensitive muscle and nerves are touched by air and the faux fur. After being stitched up, they move onto my left hand and lop off my pinkie and tips of fingers as if making a paw. They stitch on more fur and felt.

After that procedure and I calm down a little, they let me go. When I leave I hear Dr. Onnis say something like "1006 appears to be a success. We will know when it heals." I know the ringleader is Dr. Onnis, as he seems to command the other scientists and do nothing. He is first on my hit list now with second being what used to be the first, my least favorite used to be neighbor.

Harry POV:
When the speakers woke everyone up, I noticed Y/N wasnt there. Maybe she went to the bathroom or something. We had cereal and fruit for breakfast before letting us out to work. But first I changed into the original uniform with the different sleeves. Carol said "hey where do you think Y/N went?" "Probably to the bathroom." "Ah, okay. I was going to ask her more about the question you wanted me to ask her." We went to work on the boxes, and on the way, heard faint screams. Carol frantically asked "could that be her?!"
"I don't know!" We rush towards where the scream came from across the factory. After a little while of searching, we found Y/N wandering around with her right side towards us. "Y/N? What happened?" Carol asked. "...this should answer it.."

She then turned around so her left arm was in clear view. Carol ran outta there presumably to the bathroom. "W-what happened to you...?" "...they replaced skin.." "whos they?" "Dr. Onnis, his tag said. Plus two others." Onnis? Oh him. I hated him, but now I hate him more for hurting Y/N. "You should go eat and rest." "...Okay." She then went back to the bed room.

To be continued...

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