Part 35

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Arriving for once in time, Jimin and Y/N greeted his parents and took a seat at the still half empty table. "You are sitting beside be child! Every time I see you, you look thinner and thinner, and that's not good! You just stay here, so that I can feed you properly tonight." Mrs Park patted the girl's hand as she pulled her into the seat beside her.

"The dinner hasn't even started yet but already act embarrassing darling. You are scaring the poor girl and our son looks like you just stole his candy." This comment of Mr Park made all for of them laugh, lightening up the tension. Jimin was glad how his mother and Y/N seemed to get along well, his worries about her feeling uncomfortable vanishing.

The four of them mainly talked about Y/N and Jungkook's job, as the Parks were aware of their work thanks to Jimin. Y/N felt good being able to freely talk about work related things, telling stories of her travels and funny experiences. She also got many compliments from both parents on her outfit and looks, making the girl feel accepted.

"Doesn't it hurt?" Was what Mr Park genuinely wondered when he saw Y/N drink sour lemonade. Catching her off guard she couldn't figure out what it meant, until Mrs Park slapped her husband's arm. "Why would it hurt her when it's not a new piercing? Did you think that she'd have to avoid spicy food forever?"

Jimin couldn't help but smile watching his parents bicker, seeing as they didn't walk on eggshells around them and freely addressed even such touchy subjects. Y/N was confused for a bit, forgetting the piece of jewelry adorning her lower lip as she didn't feel constant stares at it. The cute argument reminded her their own ones the three of them usually had at the dorms, especially when it was about doing the dishes.

The Kim family arrived a little late due to the slow traffic because of the icy roads, coming all together. Namjoon entered first, greeting Mr Park with a handshake and giving Jimin a quick hug before turning to Y/N with open arms. She didn't waste any time diving into his chest, feeling the strong arms securely wrap around her and his familiar scent almost bringing tears to her eyes. She could make out the new wrinkles on his face when he smiled down at her, feeling bad for not visiting home for so long.

Beside them Jinnie had Jimin in her arms, looking at his face to check if he had been fed enough in the army. After her attention was diverted by Mrs Park, Taehyung was quick to push her away and throwing his arms around his best friend. "Yah Park Jimin! How could you enlist without telling anyone?! I had to find out trough an interview that you were gone to the military and couldn't even say a proper goodbye!"

"Sorry Tae but it was an unplanned thing and everything happened too quickly for me to tell everyone separately. But that's all in the past, right? I'm back and I won't have to worry about it anymore."

"But we wanted to enlist together! How am I going to survive there on my own~" Taehyung was whining like a little child, shaking his best friend side to side like he was a ragdoll. Everyone else was already seated watching the play unfold, leaving Jimin to deal with the boy on his own.

"Ladies and gentlemen, that is my twin brother." Y/N's voice made everyone crack up at the table, stopping Taehyung's abuse of his best friend so he could glare at her. Jimin was quick to slip away and sit down on his chair, fixing the shirt he wore after it was attacked by a crazy alien. Before any more complaints could be made from the still standing male a waiter entered the room, forcing him to take a seat too.

The two mothers started their conversation about the things they were best at right away. Praising each others clothes and bragging about their own kids seemed like a standard thing to do while sipping tea, and nobody dared to disturb them. Namjoon and Mr Park were talking with Jimin about experiences at the military, having the rest listen to them. Mina would join in the conversation with Jinnie, as she was also one of her kids she shared stories about.

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