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Okay, I'm having a rare semi-normal girl problem. I might be going to a Comic-con TYPE thing(I wish this state had Comic-con, but we have Tri-con) and.....I DONT KNOW WHO TO COSPLAY AS! Me and my friends are all cosplaying as Doctor Who characters. I was gonna be origional Sara Jane, but I figured out that what I thought were jean overalls(which would be REALLY freaking easy to find) were a GOD AWFUL pair of pink and white pinstriped overalls! One: WHERE THE HECK WOULD I FIND! Two: NO WAY IM WEARING ANYTHING LIKE THOSE! LIKE I SAID, GOD AWFUL! So now I'm stuck in between
Gender bent 10
Gender bent 11
Gender bent 9(last resort)
Weeping Angel(seriously contemplating it as all the others so far involve jackets and I don't wanna walk around a convention center with a jacket on but also too much painting!)
In some way dress up as a Dalek, any suggestions on how?(my mom won't let me get the Dalek dress)
K9, I also need some suggestions on how to do that one, I have an idea but it probably won't work.

Any other suggestions? I'll be happy to take em' ! Thanks!

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