Chapter 3

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Joseph just gives me a "we'll talk later' kinda look. I'm scared now. I almost want to cry because I really don't know what's going on and really I feel like I should. I also don't want my look to be ruined but mostly I feel like Im missing out on something, but what I'm most worried about is Jotaro getting burnt by all these flames. It's getting really hot in here now and Jotaro is pinned up onto the wall by flames wrapped around his wrists and ankles. God, Jotaro please just come out of there.

"Kujo's stuck to the wall and can't move."

"But how... Isn't it getting sort of..." The police officer looks up at the temperature on the wall. "Impossible! How is it that hot? That's insane!" He seems just as confused as I am but I don't think he can see the fire as I can. If he did he would definitely know why it's so hot. I think this is what Josephs look was about. Its only certain people that can see all this. Can he not see this bird creature and all these flames?

The big red bird lookin thing pulls Jotaro off the wall finally and I see something big and purple and blue like man thing come  out from behind him. Its humanoid looking like the bird but definitely not human. Definitely. But god this spirt like thing like huge. This creature has the same satire as Jotaro. The height, the muscles, the muscles, and oh my god the muscles. Im getting distracted.

With a big shove the purple spirts shoves the bird back into the bars of the cell.

"So finally! Its shown itself!" Joseph looks kind of surprised. Like he doesn't know quite what is going on either. I bet he does though. Joseph is a smart man and he has told me a whole bunch of crazy stories about things he has done before. Crashing a plane, crashing another plane, jumping out of a plane... the list goes on. I'm zoning out right now aren't I? I'm so focused about me and JoJo's life as pre-teens that I'm loosing the life we have a teenagers just standing here. I wish he would come out that damn cell so we could go back to being two normal best friends. We could go to the mall or get a trip to the beach or something and enjoy ourselves, but no. he has to act like his miserable little self and stay inside that cell and now there are all these crazy spirt things going around.

I come back to reality after Avdol sits down on the floor with a thump. Oh and look, jojo is out of his cell. I want to go up to him and tell him how I think it was the dumbest choice he has ever made and that if he ever pulls any stunt like it again ill kill him, but also I got us into that fight in the first place, so now probaly isnt the time. He looks like I just did something crazy and HE had to come bust ME outta jail. I hear him and Avdol talking about 'stands'...?

"Wait what?" I'm looking down at Avdol while occasionally glancing over at Joseph and Jotaro. Holy honestly seems as clueless as I am.

"We need to go somewhere else to talk about this." Joseph says with a sigh.

*time skip*

"It smells nice in here." I say to Jotaro as we are following a waitress to get seated in this small café.

He sniffs and I watch his eyebrows furrow as he does it. "Yeah it does." I was expecting him to say it smells like *favorite store/shop* because we used to go there all time and talk about how nice it smelled. But he doesn't, so I do.

"It smells just like *fav store*. We should totally go there again JoJo!" Please Jojo, say something. Say anything.

"You're right," Thank you! But what was he saying that to? Was that his reaction to 'It smells just like *fav store*' or was it his reaction to 'We should totally go there again man'? Was he saying 'you're right' to both of those statements? I guess I made the mistake of asking him two questions at once. "and yeah, we should." Jojo acting like a normal person while taking to his best friend of 13 years? He's been acting so odd lately and I blame it all on this stupid ghost thing. 

* you sit down at the table and joseph tells you and jotaro about stands and dio you know how it goes and i am not going to bore you explaining something you already know*

"But Joseph..?"

"What is it Y/N?"

"Does that mean I have a stand too? I could see everything that happened in the jail and I just saw the purple thorns come out of your hand when you smashed the camera." I think he forgot I was here. He looks shocked at least.

"Oh my god..." Yeah I think he did forget. "Haha Y/N! Dont think I forgot about you now!" No I definitely think you did Joseph... "You are correct young lady! You must have a stand but it hasn't been awakened yet!"

"So? That doesn't mean anything to me. How do I "awaken" my "stand" ?"

Avdol begins to speak up "Well, Y/N, do you think you could have been born with your stand and you've had it this entire time, but perhaps you haven't noticed? Think, have you ever had any odd things happen that you think could be work of your stand?" I immediately know what he means. I practically feel my life flash before my eyes as I start to recall moments from my past.

"I think I was around three years old when one night I woke up and saw my window blinds were pulled up slightly and I could see the moon shining though the window," I remember this like it was yesterday. "I layed back down and I sorta just sat in my crib. I started playing with the stuffed animals I had, ya'know like makin' em talk to each other and stuff..." God this is kinda embarrassing. " I tried picking up three stuffies at once but I kept dropping them and getting annoyed, then I remember seeing some pink hand with white scale lookin things running down the arm and when I looked up I saw some creature and-and," Im really wracking my brain trying to explain this without rambling, "When JoJo and I fought those kids the other day, i thought it felt almost too easy. Like, why was I able to fight these boys twice my size with ease. I know im strong but it didn't even seem like I was straining myself at all. Everything just happened so fast.." As i trail of i can see Jotaro just staring at me blankly. I turn to him like I want him to talk next, but he doesnt. His eyes go back to Joseph.

"Is that all? Was that the only time you recall seeing anything? You could have been dreaming." Joseph questions me but I assure him I have more to tell. I look around for a second to also see that Jotaro, Holly, and Avdol are listing to me.

"Another few times happened when I was 11 and 12 about. I remember my on the day of last soccer game of the season in America, I saw it  show up behind me in the locker room. I turned and starred at it and my friends thought I was crazy! That game my coach said I played like a monster and my team ended up winning. I've seen it other times it just wasn't as prominent. I didn't think anything of it though, I guess I thought I was imagining things." I think I'm rambling so I stop talking for a second and read the room. I kind of felt like an idiot for saying anything about it at all after no one answered back, and once again I lock eyes with Jotaro and he's glances away. I was giving him a look basically asking for reassurance, to just make sure im not crazy.

Avdol and Joseph are whispering to each other. This can't be good.

Unexplored Sea - Jotaro x Reader / Stardust Crusaders insertWhere stories live. Discover now