Chapter 4

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Waking up at Jotaros house is something that I have really missed. We arent kids anymore so having 'playdates' and 'slumber parties' got awkward as we got into highschool and people started htinking we were dating just because we were best friends. I like being friends with Jotaro though. Sometimes I wish he was more girly I guess, but when I talk about things like fashion, makeup, and music he doesnt care. He normally just sits there and stares at me with his usual blank stare and tells me I can keep talking. Half the time I dont think he listens to me. I try to listen to him as much as possible because he doesnt talk much anymore.

Mr Joestar said it would be more convenient if I just stayed at the Kujo house for the time being because there were 'things that had to be discussed, and things that need figured out.' He was pretty vauge in his explanation but  I wanted any excuse to hang out with Jotaro like we were kids again. I guess it is kind of selfish of me to think that way.

We got ready for school and I walked ahead as Holly pestered Jotaro for a kiss. I pretended not to hear as he called her a bitch. I could hear him tell her to quit acting like he was still a little kid. Something got lodged into my brain when I heard him say that. I dont know what I was feeling but it wasnt good. I wanted to go right back to bed and go back in time when all this stupid stuff didnt happen and Jotaro never got put in jail. Kind of wishing I would've just left that little girl. No. No I don't! that's awful Y/N... Oh my god how selfish can I be. Jotaro just has been acting all different and If I had never dragged him into that fight then things would have stayed normal. I genuinely believe I could've taken them myself with this 'stand' I apparently possess.

I turn to Jotaro and he rolls his eyes.

"Good grief, what a pain in my neck." I shook my head at him. He is such a drama queen.

As we continue our walk to school I cant help but think about what Mr Joestar and Avdol had to "discuss" about what I had said. I dont even believe what happened at the jail. I still think it was some crazy dream I had. Nothing made sense to me. It was so Bizarre.

"Hey it's JoJo!" My thoughts interrupted again.  I really hate it when those girls at school called him JoJo. They cannot call him that. Only me, Holly, and Mr Joestar. Thats not the only reason these girls get on my nerves though. They have some sort of fanclub for Jotaro but a hate club for me. I dont know if they could even wrap this around there heads, but Jotaro and I are a packaged deal. He doesnt have any other friends. There isnt a way around it. Its not a choice of him or me, its us. I don't let it bother me though, because I know how I have more people who like me, and these girls are just some annoying pricks who obsess over Jotaro.

"What? JoJo?"

"You're right! That is JoJo!"

"Hey JoJo!"


"Goodmorning JoJo!"




"Jojo!" The entire group of the girls are trailing us. Well, not us because again, its just Jojo for them. Im being basically pushed to the side by these girls. I know he isnt going like this. Them touching his arm, yelling in his ear, all of them talking at once. He is going to loose his mind and end up punching one of them in the face. Listening to the girls bicker and fight about Jotaro becomes sort of a white noise to me as they go on and on and on. If they are supposed to be friends how can they-

"Shut the hell up! You're pissing me off!"

Oh. I knew it was going to happen at some point but I dont know how he held it in for so long. Even after he screams at them, they all blush and continue following us on the walk to school. As much as I hate it, when we graduate I'm going to miss things like these. Not those girls but walking to school with my best friend four days after I went and busted him out of jail for a fight that I started. It's the little things...

We start walking down the stairs and before I even took the first step down I could feel my thumb cramp up. I felt like I was being watched. I paused. Jotaro saw this and he turned to me.

"Why's you stop? Let's go." I quit looking around and glanced at him making a confused face.

"Uh yeah sorry." I continued walking with Jotaro.

I blinked once and Jotaro's knee is gashed open.

"What the hell?!" , We both shout but Jotaro much louder. Im running down the stairs as he is falling down them. I thought he was going to hit the tree branches but instead that shiny purple thing from the jail four days ago, grabs the branch letting Jotaro land, not safe;y, but safer than he would have.

Im crouched next to Jotaro and I can tell that he doesnt even know what just happpend. We both stand up and look around. The only people I see are the group of girls coming down the steps to come see what happened to their dear 'JoJo'. Our thoughts both interrupted by them but I still have the uneasy feeling that I did before we began walking down the steps.

"How did you get cut first and then fall down the stairs?"

"I was wondering the same thing." I knew he didnt get cut from the branches and if anything the branches broke his fall. Or whatever 'evil spirt' thing from the jail did when it grabbed onto them.

Unexplored Sea - Jotaro x Reader / Stardust Crusaders insertWhere stories live. Discover now