VII: Old & New Faces

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VII: Old & New Faces

Third POV

As per the mutual agreement set by Izuku and Katsuki; Katsuki ordered Kirishima to get the plane prepared to get back home, meanwhile, they got to work, packing up gifts, clothing, shoes, and other personal items.

Within hours of said arrangement, Izuku and Katsuki found themselves in a black SUV, heading to the mainland to board the jet.

When word reached back home that'd the boss and Izuku would be returning home earlier than expected, they couldn't help but feel even more guilty, but that weight of knowing the Shigaraki clan was gonna go all out in an attack seemed to have been lifted in the process.

Now, 30,000 feet in the air, Izuku currently rested on the tan and gold accentuated colored couch; completely passed out from activities other than packing.

Meanwhile, Kirishima, Shoji, Koda, and Sato gathered around one table, with a secure line call with the rest of the group back at home.

"Yaoyorozu, how fast do you think you can get the other allied clans filled into this?" Katsuki questioned sternly, yet his gaze locked onto the figure underneath a black blanket whose body rose then dropped with each breath.

"Well sir I can get them all caught up and ready to join us frontline and center within a week; maybe less if all goes well." Yaoyorozu answered, earning a click of the tongue from her head commander.

"No, just let them be informed and placed on standby; seeing as how we don't know what cards the Shigaraki clan has and plans to play," Katsuki interjected, his body shifting to sit upright, "We only use the reserves if it is absolutely necessary since I want to decrease the number of casualties as possible."

His body became tense, "Besides what about them? Y'know the original people who went up against The Shigaraki clan? They have more experience than our clan so what news do we have on them?"

The people Katsuki referred to were 8 people who had equal terms in rivaling the Shigaraki clan's top brass. As far as the blond head had recalled, he'd met the 8th and latest boss when he was still starting, and man,

When he said this man was like a whole new definition of power, he meant it.

He'd expected to hear good news to a certain degree but of course, this was a mafia they were talking about. Nothing ever really goes as intended if you're highly ranked in the criminal underworld.

"Well based on what Todoroki and Iida collected, the original first 7 are all unfortunately deceased, we probably didn't get a funeral invite seeing as how this information could spread to the wrong Clans and cause pandemonium." She started rather disappointed with these outcomes.

"However the 8th original is still alive and has formed another team who seem to be well off in terms of strength and strategizing, they may even surpass us so that is a plus."

Processing the information just given to him he nodded, "See if they'd get on board with our plan and would be willing to meet first thing tomorrow morning."

"Consider it done, sir." Yaoyorozu obliged, with the following sound of numbers being pressed on a keypad.

His eyes flickered over to the digital clock on the computer, understanding it would still be an early morning for those back home.

"You all have been dismissed for the night; I'll see you all first thing this afternoon." 

And after that, the line had been cut, allowing those on the plane who were still awake to get some rest as well, because as soon as this plane landed they had even more work to do.

"Goodnight boss." Kirishima waved, as he and the rest of the security personnel headed to the front of the plane to get some shut-eye, earning a backhanded wave from Katsuki.

The blond's eyes settled onto the green-haired boy whose eyes were shut and his bangs laid sprawled against his forehead; his lips slightly parted allowing for light breathes to pass through him.

He'd attempted to stay up long enough for him and Katsuki to sleep together but his body ultimately failed him.

But man did he look so peaceful.

Scooping him up along with the blanket, Katsuki carried Izuku to the far back of the plane, entering the mini bedroom.

After stripping down accordingly he laid next to Izuku, tugging the boy closer and in his final resting moments, all he could really think about was the safety of everyone else.

Three years ago, he just had to worry about defense and being backup but now? Something in his gut could help but fear for those he cared about whether or not he wanted to own up to it.

. . . Afternoon . . .

It was a rather neutral afternoon. The sky was still its brilliant shade of blue and clouds were nowhere in sight although neither was the sun.

14 people with a single special guest were stationed in the private airplane hangar for the Katsuki Clan, their eyes following the plane that had just landed and was making a proper circle around.

The sleek black plane stopped right next to them, as the door opened up revealing a set of stairs, and in a matter of moments, they on looked as Izuku and Katsuki descended down the stairs together.

Behind them was the security team.

As they finally got to ground level, Izuku went over to Uraraka, noticing the reluctant smile on her usual upbeat facial expression.

"I have lots to tell you about everything, so cheer up." He smiled brightly, tugging her to one of the black SUVs opened for him.

She nodded, allowing herself to get dragged over to the vehicle, all the while Katsuki had a surprise visitor who was here just for the occasion.

"The moment Yaoyorozu told him about what was going on, he was persistent on seeing you first thing when you landed." Todoroki murmured in Katsuki's ear.

The blond nodded, watching the split-haired man point over to a Blacked out Mercedes, making them both head over to it.

And with Todoroki in the driver's seat, and everyone else in the cars, they could hear on home to the base.

Katsuki didn't even need to see the other person in the car- as his gaze settled on the plethora of trees surrounding the area.

In fact, the scent of expensive cologne told him all he needed to know.

"Three years ago you were quite the spoiled and prideful boy, but now look, I come to find you've made new enemies and have also gotten married..." a deep voice made note of, not bothering to look at the younger male.

"I even hear he's sweet but got an irrational side like you."

"People change as they grow old but one shouldn't dare to forget their past unless they want disastrous consequences," Katsuki responded, "That is what you said, no?"

A burst of laughter rumbled in the man's throat, "Correct." As he then placed a firm hand on Katsuki's shoulder, "It's nice seeing you again, Young Bakugo."

This time Katsuki turned around, a gentle smile placed on his lips,

"It's nice seeing you again, Toshinori Yagi." Katsuki nodded, his smile growing into a smirk,

"Or should I say All Might?"

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