Part 1

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Caladan was experiencing an uncommonly warm winter when Leto Atreides began at long last to look for a wife. Perhaps 'look for' was inaccurate though, for while he was content with his life and not actively searching, the thought occurred to him from time to time that it would be prudent to marry. Thus when making polite conversation with visiting dignitaries as he usually did, he found his ears perking up now and again when one visitor or another mentioned their young, accomplished daughter who was just reaching the age for prospective suitors.

In the mornings when he woke the wind that was typically so cold and biting was still soft and mild as in late summer. He would breakfast in his sitting room with the windows open, looking out over the wide expanse of ocean and thinking how he might enjoy having someone here to share these small moments with. Up until now most of his career had been focused on military exploits, expanding his power, and strengthening his house. Now to fully strengthen his house, he considered his need for an heir. An only child and an orphan at 30, he had no fallback choices. He needed to find a young woman, fertile, well-mannered, and kind, to manage his home during his long absences and bear his children if he was to secure the longstanding Atreides dynasty his predecessors had lived and died for.

Leto's options were multitudinous. It seemed once the first few fathers picked up on his interest in a wife, more followed, many making excuses to travel long distances for an audience with him as opposed to conversations via hyperlink. The excuses they offered for meeting in person varied, but inevitably they would arrive, sometimes staying several hours afterwards, and always shifting the conversation towards some eligible daughter or another. Once or twice, a fellow would bring her along, making her sit between them at mealtimes like some broodmare at an auction.

Astern Varrik was more discreet. A former Arrakian ambassador originally from Reenol, the Emperor had assigned him to sit on his Council in Kaitain, working in close proximity with the Great Houses such as the Atreides and the Chellys, the Aberfors and the Harkonnens amongst all the others. He was well versed in the spice trade and spoke several languages, including Chakobsa, the mother tongue of the Fremen of Arrakis.

He was also clever. As the second son born to a noble house, he had to be. His older brother inherited the family title and the land that came with it, so it was left to Astern to use his wits to secure his own place in society through service to the Emperor. He had married well for a man in his position, going on to have 3 sons but only one daughter.

Genna was very young, barely 18, and thankfully of a sweet disposition, as well as the spitting image of her mother. Each of his sons were striving to make their own way up through ambassadorships for the Emperor and not yet in the position to provide for a wife and family. Genna, however, had no such concerns. Now that she was of age she was able to entertain suitors until the family found one that would advance both her status and their own. Duke Leto Atreides was just such a man.

When Astern learned that the Duke had been making inquiries about eligible young women throughout the Galactic Padishah Empire he knew this was the prime time to make his move. Word also reached Astern about the failed attempts of other men to put forth their daughters as candidates, each tale recounting increasingly desperate measures taken. No, that wouldn't do. The Duke was a proud military man, stoic and reserved. To be so flagrant would immediately mark Genna off the duke's list of prospects. This would take diplomacy and no small degree of luck if he were to pull this off, so he sought the advice of his wife, Karolina, to do so.

"Duke Leto? Oh, but he would make a fine match for Genna. Is he looking for a wife? I thought he was quite content with bachelorhood interminably," she was busy stitching embroidery as she spoke the words, not even bothering to look up from her task as her husband poured himself a drink before sitting in the chair opposite hers.

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