Part 2

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Genna's stomach was in knots the entire trip from Kaitain to Caladan. Her mother sat wordlessly beside her, the unspoken chaperone on this necessary courtship ritual. For those young women expected to move off-world for their new spouse, it was custom for her to visit with one or both parents for a few weeks, to stay in her prospective new home and see her potential partner in his environment, as well as what she could expect from her future life with him.

Duke Leto had not explicitly said that was the purpose for this trip though, and so the knots in her stomach were both from excitement to see him again mixed with uncertainty over her status in his eyes.

Naturally, both of her parents had been elated when Genna relayed the news of her invitation followed by a missive the next day from the Duke himself inviting them to come and stay. A used copy of The History of the Padishah Empire was also enclosed with it. Astern was already scheduled for an Arrakian melange summit for the period of time they were invited to visit, so it was obvious which parent would have to accompany her.

As they descended into the Caladanian atmosphere Genna looked out the windows to see the unending blue of this oceanic planet with scattered green landmasses dotted here and there. Their ship began circling one of the larger islands which Genna correctly assumed to be Cala City, the location of Castle Caladan. From the window during their descent, she could see the rocky outcropping that housed the Duke's home. His castle was shrouded by a faint, early morning mist. Its hulking ramparts and ancient stone facade made the structure look every bit as impressive as its owner.

The timing of their arrival had been planned down to the minute, and thus a party of men awaited her and her mother on the dock when their ship landed. The vessel puttered closer to the shore on the choppy Caladanian water. Genna looked out the window and saw Leto waiting at the head of the group, his dark curls whipping about his face in the sea breeze. She swallowed the lump in her throat, then looked to her mother who gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand, "Don't be nervous, today is the first day of the rest of your life."

Those ominous words only made Genna more anxious. Several more minutes passed until the ship finally docked close enough for the doors to open. A gangway was stretched out to hook onto the ledge of their open doorframe.

Genna didn't move. This man was so handsome and powerful. What could she possibly offer him that would be more appealing than the hundreds of other girls waiting for their chance to wed him?

"They're waiting for you, my dear."

With a sigh of resignation, Genna rose to her feet, holding onto the walls for stability as she approached the door and looked down at the wobbly gangway connecting her ship to the dock.

Duke Leto was right there, hand outstretched towards her. He flashed her a broad smile, beckoning her to take his hand so he could help her across. She did, and moments later found herself face-to-face with him once again.  Her hand was still clutched in his and her heart fluttered in her chest as she stared up into his warm brown eyes once more.

"Your Grace," she bowed her head, showing him the deference due to his station that she had neglected the first night they met.

"Leto," he corrected her, bestowing a chaste kiss on the back of her hand. He led her down the dock, leaving the gangway unobstructed so one of his men could assist her mother to cross as well.

Together, Genna and Leto walked arm in arm from the dock to the shoreline where a narrow path branched off and ran along a steep uphill climb, ending at the main entrance to the castle. Leto's body felt wonderfully warm as Genna leaned in closer to him, the chill of Caladan's damp wind in full effect.

"Did you enjoy the book I sent with my invitation?" he asked by way of making conversation.

Genna blushed, "I did. Thank you."

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