Part 3

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This chapter has graphic sexual scenes befitting a wedding night with any character portrayed by Oscar Isaac. If you are averse to such descriptions please wait for the next installment.


Their wedding day began with a clear, bright morning. The breeze was soft as it came through the open windows and the sky was a cloudless, brilliant blue. Outside gulls cried and the waves crashed, while inside, Genna was being made ready for the biggest day of her life to date.

She sat in a chair while Karolina stood over her shoulder, directing the servant who stood behind the chair how Genna's hair should look as she braided. On the bed was her wedding dress, a floor-length gown with lace for the sleeves and neck, this one too in Atreides green. A billowy silk veil in the same color hung from a hook on the door. The fresh air brought in through the windows helped calm Genna's nerves as she sat there being tutted over.

"Another pin, right here please," Karolina directed, watching Genna's face in the mirror and remembering the hours before her own wedding.

"Is there anything you want me to tell you about tonight?" she asked her only daughter, trying to assuage both Genna's nervousness and her own.

Genna's eyes widened and met her gaze in the mirror, "I think I'll manage, thank you, mama."

Karolina didn't argue. She was not the type to be overly open about such things and to speak of them with her daughter, who, it seemed only yesterday was a toddler running around their home, made her feel like maybe she had been too hasty in pushing Genna towards this match. Women were expected of few things in life: to marry well and sire as many heirs as she could. Genna would learn in time how to endure the latter.

Astern and two of her brothers were able to make it to Caladan for the wedding, and Thufir Hawat was to lead the ceremony. as was customary for Mentats in the service of House Atreides. There were not to be any long vows or speeches; a simple wedding and a feast afterward, then the bride and groom would retire for their first night together as man and wife.

The sun was cresting higher in the sky and Karolina retrieved the dress from the bed, "Ready?" she asked.

The material was so soft, the bodice and sleeves made of lace, the skirts made of velvet and satin. Her veil still billowed on its hook, reminding her of the final touch still needed.

No sooner had the servant put in the last pin to fasten Genna's veil and Karolina pronounced her done than they heard a knock on the door.

"It must be time," Karolina said.

The walk from their chambers to her own wedding was not long, but every step felt heavy, weighted with the importance of the day and what it represented. Genna's heart was pounding. She had not known this man two months ago and now she was about to spend the rest of her life with him. It seemed foolish now, no matter how high her attraction for him. He could be very good at pretending to be this warm, steady leader, or he could be any number of things that she had never considered.

Karolina handed Genna her bouquet of flowers, an ancient Old Earth custom still practiced in marriage ceremonies of the Padishah nobility. She gripped them with white knuckles until she finally rounded a corner and there, standing in his parlor room, flanked by Gurney and Duncan, stood Leto, all smiles and staring straight at her.

She couldn't help it. Genna's nerves seemed to dissolve when she saw him, taking the steps to close the distance between them without any encouragement, her mother trailing behind.

Thufir Hawat was speaking quietly to her father, but as soon as Genna came into view, all eyes in the room fixed on her.

"Erm," Hawat cleared his throat, "I believe it is time then."

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