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Cracks of sun light peek threw the pine branches,The landscape is so beautiful,with the boulders on the side of the hiking path and a small creek drips down from the rocks,it almost feels enchanted,I keep lugging my tired body up the path,my parents Bout 10 yards in front of me keep telling me "come on Summer it's not that far" "you said that 2 km ago"I moan at them,we keep seeing these big holes in the ground it's weird,maybe it's a foxes den or something,This trail hasn't been hiked on for 2 years so there's plenty of un disturbed vegetation,I keep on walking,and walking,and walking,glancing to my side every once and a while to see if I can see any foxes in their den,we're just about to reach the top of a hill when, both my parents freeze,not daring to move a muscle,i slowly walk behind them and see a large dog,but then I look again and notice that it's not just one it's 9 huge snarling,blood thirsty wolfs,locking eye to eye with my parents,my mom being the one with anxiety,takes a slow step back,shaking like crazy,and whispers to me under her breath"Summer you have to go,don't worry about me and your father,With or Without us we will always find a way ,go you're more important to us then the sun the moon and the stars,Please if their is anything that I would die doing for you,it's this"and I run and don't look back I hear a blood curdling scream,and then silence that's when I know my parents are dead,I'm light headed,exhausted so I decide to climb into a small ceder tree for the night,but after I'm in my tree,I realize that I didn't even run on the path I ran straight into the forest,That's when I realize I'm alone,lost,and scared,I sit thinking of what I can do to find help,but nothing comes to mind,my mind is blank,I am scared that I will starve to death or end up like my parents,I decide to go to sleep,Since tomorrow I will need to find a source of food,and search for the lake,The next morning I wake up with frost bitten fingers,it may be early spring but it still has freezing nights.I climb down from the cedar tree,and take my light green sweater and wrap it around my waist,I start walking threw the woods,passing dark green ferns,poison ivy,birch,pine and cedar trees,I must say the landscape it breath taking,but if you truly see how deadly it is you know it's all mother natures trap.I figure if there's any chance of me being found on an abandoned hiking trail,I have to make noise,so I yell and say "I'm here" but then quickly put my hand over my mouth,if I'm not found by people I might be found by something else,I am desperately hoping that no wolfs heard me yell,so I climb a white birch tree and sit and wait about 10 minutes and finally I see 9 wolfs with blood on their fur around their mouth,that was once my 2 loving caring parents,if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here right now,I start crying,I miss my parents so much,yesterday hey we're alive and breathing,and now their gone,I try to stay positive but I can't think of anything that is worse,why did this have to be me,eventually after 3 hours the wolfs are out of sight,so I hope down,trying to be as quite as possible,and walk we're my instincts bring me,I walk and walk but get hungrier and hungrier,so I decide to search for food,back home my mom had a lush garden,filled with,lettuce,tomatoes,broccoli,patato's,watermelon,and off to the side a huge raspberry bush,Raspberrys they'll have Raspberrys here of course!i frantically look around and then find it plucking raspberry by raspberry in mouth I begin to feel full and decide to keep moving foreword,maybe I will find the lake today,I imagine that if the wolf pack comes I should have some sort of defence,I case they try to kill me,so take a large,branch and also use it as a walking stick,I keep walking for about 3 hours until I find a small trickle of water and cup my hands and sip the water,the water was so refreshing,but I kept on going and then realize that I have been walking threw,poison ivy this whole time,then I look down at my caprese and realize that I have blisters that are oozing with yellow puss,I sit and remember the sweater warped around my waist and wipe away all the puss and take a fern leaf and tie it around my leg,But I still keep on moving,out of nowhere I hear a voice,but it wasn't my imagination,I walked slowly toward the sound,and realize it's someone's voice,a mans voice then I yell "help" and I hear them coming closer and closer until they find me,but at this point the poison ivy has spread up both my legs to my belly button,so I can't walk,The man asks me if my name Is Summer and I said "yes" and then he said "you've been missing for 3 weeks and Carries me off to a near by road and puts me into his truck I ask him moaning "who are you" he tells me he's a hunter,and his names Rod, then he adds I'm bringing you to the hospital" you're dyeing,you're so sick you think you've been there for a couple of days,and your liver is about to stop working" but every thing that I've experienced was true but the time I was in the woods was more longer then I thought,Rod is telling me something when it get lighter and lighter and then it turned white,and I couldn't see anything or hear anything that's when I realized I have died......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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