Chapter 7: Perhaps, do i like her..?

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Kim Jongin's POV
As i wrap my arms around Yera's waist, my heart started beating furiously.
Do i perhaps
Like her?
I tried to calm myself down, Yera looked at me and asked

"yeobo, gwenchanayeo?" [a/n: yes they call each other sweet names like yeobo and stuffs infront of their parents to not be suspicious.]

"eoh? oh naneun gwenchana yeobo. geokjeonghajima arraseo?" i replied "caringly".

A few hours passed and its gettig late so Yera's omma decided to head back home. We then sent her off and sat on the sofa. There was awkward silence. Yera then broke the silence by starting a conversation.

"its okay if i call u those names that i did earlier infront of my parents right?" She asked.

startled, i replied "eoh? oh..."

Park Chanyeol's POV

I wonder how the "newlyweds" are doing. Lets text Kai and ask.

Me: Kai-ya.. how is married life like? is it hard? ㅋㅋㅋ
Kai: ahni.. its REALLY hard.
me: jinjja? hahaha. hwaiting kai-ya!! Hyung cant help you!!! hehe


Kim Jongin's POV

Aigoo... Chanyeol hyung is really childish!! ㅋㅋ what do i do with this hyung?
I then went inside the room and lay down on my bed.

I thought to myself

"Do i really like her? If not why is my heart beating so fast when im around her? aish"
Just then, Yera knocked the door and went in.

Park Yera's POV

I know kai must be feeling really hungry so i cooked some ddeokbokki for both of us. I went to the bedroom to call him out to eat.

"Kai...are you hungry? I cooked ddeokbokki thinking that you are feeling hungry.." I said awkwardly.

"eoh? oh i will come out in awhile." Kai replied.

"araseo" i said.

Kim Jongin's POV

I then headed out to the living room to eat. I saw her sitting there eating all by herself. I then walked towards the dining table and sat infront of her.

"Jalmuggutsumnida (thanks for the meal) Yera yah" i said.
she just nodded. We then continued to eat. After we ate, I broke the awkaard silence.

"Yera yah, nowadays i realise that you're not calling me "oppa" you're just call me "kai". Why?"

"a..ah...ahni...its not like that..its just that i thought you might feel uncomfortable." She said hesitatingly.

"I feel perfectly fine. Furthermore, i like being called oppa. So, from now on call me oppa okay?" i said.

"Araseo, Kai...op...oppa" she replied.

Next morning

Park Yera's POV

I woke up after hearing my alarm clock go off. I then saw that is not in bed. I dont really care about him so i just went to my closet to pick out my clothes to wear as im going out with my friends! When i was about to open the bathroom door, Kai oppa came out of the bathroom with his towel only covering his waist down. I looked up and saw his soaking wet abs. I then shouted and closed my eyed with my small hands.

"Yah, waegurae? ㅋㅋ" Kai oppa said jokingly.

"Why...why arent you wearing any clothes?" i said while pointing to his body.

"why? are you scared i would do something to you? he said teasingly.

He then walked towards me and i kept on walking backwards until he pinned me to the wall. His face then went closer to mine and he whispered.

"neo.. jinjja kyeopta. You're making my heart beat faster." he smirked.

I then pushed him away from me and went into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and hurriedly put on the clothes i picked out just now. I sat on the sofa in the living room, waiting for my friend to pick me up. After 5 minutes of waiting, i got a text from my friend that i was waiting for.
From: Han Sehyun 💓
Yera yah mianhae i have to cancel our plans today. something came up. sorry!!
-----END OF TEXT-----
i just sighed.

Kim Jongin's POV
Should i bring Yera out? Should i ask her out on a date? Should i bring her out on stroll at the park? those questions was in my head. Being a man, i walked towards her and asked.

"Yera yah....Do you want to go out with me?"

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