Its Addictive

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I layed there thinking what to do. Then i thought of it. I forgot i had a blade in my backpack. So i pulled it out and fiddled with it for a while. Then thats when i heard foot steps coming to the bathroom. I hurryed and put the blade back in my back and sat up. "What are you doing in here?" The girl said. "I-i-i was just..... "hey you were the dumb girl that tried to sit with us today wernt you, girls come here!" She called to them. Then there was a big group of girls in the bathroom making fun of me. Of how i wear black all the time and how i wear chokers. "Where did u come from a grave?" One of them snickered. "Come on girls we dont want to hang out with a lose like her" she said. So they all left. Then thats when i did it.... i grabbed the blade and slit my wrist.... blood...everywhere.... i was shocked i even did it.... then i started crying. What did i just do..... there was blood everywhere on the floor it was all over my clothes..... if i went out there with blood on my clothes he would say i killed someone.... so i called my mom to come and get me. "Honey whats wrong?" She asked. "Um - i- just come get me please..." i said with tears in my eyes. "Ok hun im on my way". So 20 minutes passed and she arrived. I got in the car....the bad thing was....she saw the blood on my clothes..... she had this.... look on her face i couldnt describe it was.... a sad look with a scared look. "W-w-what did you do v-valerie she said with tears in her eyes. " i can explain mom" i said while crying. Except we were both speachless all the way home..... we pulled into the drive way and sat in silence..... "so uhh- you wanna tell me why theres blood all over your clothes?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes, i showed her my wrist. She started crying somemore. Then i started crying some more. "I-im so-sorry mo-m" i said. She petted my hair and told me its going to be alright. So we got out of the car and went inside. My dad didnt see me but he saw my mom crying. "honey whats wrong" dad said. "Nothing" she said crying more. Somethings wrong and im gonna figure it out he thought. So he walked to my room and he froze..... he saw blood everywhere..... on my bed my clothes..... "valerie?" Dad said. "-y-yes dad?" I was scared to turn around. " please tell me what happend your mom is crying and you have.....blood all over you.... i turned around slowly with tears in my eyes. He saw my wrist..... "VALERIE!!!!" WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN DIE FROM CUTTING YOURSELF!!!!," he yelled at me, which made me cry harder thatn i did before. "D-dad you- "DONT DAD ME YOUR GROUNDED!!!!" He interrupted me. He slammed the door then i started crying somemore. Couple hours passed by and i heard a knock at my door. V-valerie?" Mom said. "Yea?"...... "can i come in please?" She asked... u-um ye-yeah i guess." I told her. She opened the door and came in, she tryed not to cry but she let tears slide by. "Your dad is just upset at- "NO MOM HE DOESNT UNDERSTAND!!!! HE ALWAYS YELLS AT ME ABOUT ME WORRYING ABOUT BULLIES, MY WEIGHT EVERYTHING!!!!" I yelled. I got up and walked over to the window to see little kids playing soccer and being happy.

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