secrets revealed || courtney x duncan

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requested by - no one (i thought of it)

At Geoff's party, a certain CIT gets drunk so her ex boyfriend drives her home. Did she mean what she confessed to him in the car or was it just drunk Courtney saying that.


"Courtney?" a voice called out. The brunette turned around, she saw two guys standing there. One had brown hair and teal eyes. He was slightly shorter then the other guy. The second guy was tan and had brown hair and brown eyes. "Noah! Cody!" she exclaimed. She ran over to them and hugged them. "Uh.. whats gotten into you," the taller one asked.

"She's been drinking," a raven haired girl answered. She walked over to them to join them. "You know how she gets when she drinks," the shorter one said. "Hello to you too Cody," the raven haired girl rolled her eyes. "Sorry, hi heather," Cody smiled. "Since when does Courtney like to drink anyways?" Noah asked. Courtney wasent the type to drink. She only drinks once every year. She was usually the one that took care of her drunk friends.

"She saw Duncan, got pissed off, decided to have one drink which turned into three," Heather answered. "I'm not even that drunk," Courtney rolled her eyes. "Actually, ima go get another one," she smiled. The brunette walked off, leaving her three friends behind. "I don't have a good feeling about this," Cody mumbled.

The brunette made it to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She grabbed a beer and closed the fridge door. "Courtney? How many beers have you had?" someone asked. She turned around to see her friend Geoff. "Oh hey Geoff!" she smiled. "This of my fourth one," she replied. "You may wanna stop drinking, you know how you get when you drink," he crossed his arms. "I'm fine!" she tried to convince him. "If you say so.. Brigette is waiting for you by the pool by the way," he said. "I'll be there in a bit," she smiled.

He nodded his head then walked off. Courtney opened her fourth beer, she drank half of it before putting it down on the counter. A punk looking guy walked in the kitchen, he saw the brunette standing there.. staring off into space. "You good?" he asked. Courtney looked over only to see her ex boyfriend. "Yes i'm good, why are you talking to me?" she asked annoyed. "I was just asking, geez," he mumbled.

"Duncan I don't wanna talk to you," she groaned. "You're still mad over World Tour?!" he asked annoyed. "WHEN YOU GET CHEATED ON ON INTERNATIONAL TV TALK TO ME!" she yelled. "Woah what's with the yelling?" someone asked. They both turned around. A goth girl with midnight blue hair and black hair stood there. "Gwen!" Courtney ran over to hug her. "Oh she's Drunk," Gwen sighed. "Am not!" Courtney protested. The punk saw as both his exes getting along, he rolled his eyes then walked off.

"He totally got mad we get along," Gwen laughed. "Good," Courtney smirked. "I need to find Bridgette now, see you," Courtney said. She finished her beer then walked off to find Bridgette where Geoff told her go meet her. She found Bridgette standing by the pool, looking off into space. "Hey!" Courtney smiled. "Oh hey," Bridgette smiled back. "What'd you need?" Courtney asked. "Just wanted to check on you, the other are saying you're drunk," she rubbed her arm. "Ugh i'm not even drunk! I've only had 4 drinks," Courtney rolled her eyes.

"Well you know how you get.. please no more drinking.." Bridgette sort of smiled. "Fine.. I wont drink anymore," Courtney sighed. Geoff and Bridgette's song came on, Bridgette gasped then ran to find Geoff. Leaving Courtney alone. Most of the people there began dancing as well. It was mainly the couples. Even though Bridgette told Courtney not to drink, she couldn't help it. She walked back inside to grab another beer. She opened the fridge and got another one. She opened he beer and took a sip.

An hour later

Duncan walked inside the kitchen to get his third beer. He was trying to not get drunk since he had to drive DJ home. He walked into the kitchen and saw Courtney. She was laughing with Noah and Heather. But beside her were about 3 beers that looked empty. "She drank like 6 beers!" Noah shouted. "Oh shit, she must be really stressed, she only drinks like once a year," Heather face palmed. "I'm going home," Courtney said, she couldn't even stand still. She grabbed her car keys but Heather took them quickly. "No way you're driving like this!" Heather yelled.

Courtney groaned. "I cant take her, im driving Alejandro home and he's drunk in the car waiting for me," Heather said to Noah. "And Cody, Eva, and Izzy are also drunk in my car waiting," Noah said. "Let's just take her to her car, then we'll find someone to drive her," Noah said. They grabbed Courtney and her car keys, they walked away, they didn't notice that Duncan saw the whole thing. Duncan walked to the front where they left, once they got Courtney in the car, they closed the door and saw Duncan. "What's going on?" Duncan asked, acting clueless. "Courtney can't drive home since she's drunk, so we need someone to take her," Heather explained.

"Why can't you guys?" Duncan asked, he walked over to them. "We have people waiting for us in our cars already, plus she came in her car," Noah explained. "I'll do it," Duncan offered. "No way," Heather laughed. "Everyone else is practically drunk," he rolled his eyes. Heather looked at Noah then groaned. "Fine," she glared at him before handing him Courtneys car keys. "No funny business she's drunk," Heather glared at Duncan. "I know better, who do you think I am," Duncan glared at her. "Duncan," they both replied. Duncan rolled his eyes. He walked to the car, he got into the drivers seat and started the car.

Courtney looked over at him. "Why you," Courtney groaned, her eyes were half open. She couldn't even keep her eyes open. "Everyone else is drunk," Duncan said as he put his seatbelt on. He saw Courtney sitting there with no seatbelt. He reached over for her seatbelt and buckled her up. "Why are you doing this, you don't even care about me anymore," she hiccuped. You can tell she was drunk just by the way she was talking, but she still had time to argue and ask questions. "I do care.." he mumbled quietly.

"Oh really? Is that why you cheated on me with my friend?" she laughed. Duncan looked over at her, she was just sitting there staring out the window. She looked over at Duncan. "I'm sorry.. I don't know why I did it," he said. She looked at him, she kept hiccuping. He drove off after about a minute. "You don't know how embarrassed I was, all the hurt I went through, and i'm stupid for still liking you," she said, her voice sounded shaky. She was looking away from him. He turned her head over to him, tears were running down her face. "Courtney... I don't know if you actually mean that or if that's just drunk you.. but I still like you a lot, I regret what I did everyday," he confessed.

"Sure you do," she laughed, tears still running down her cheeks. He remained silent, still driving. Her house was like 5 minutes away so now after he dropped her off he had to walk back. "Duncan," she said. He quickly looked at her then back at the road. "Yeah?" he asked. "I want us to try again," she mumbled. They finally made it so Duncan parked infront of her house. He turned off the car then looked at her. She unbuckled her seat belt then leaned over to him. She was about to kiss him but he stopped her. "You're drunk," he said. He liked her but he wasent going to do anything while she was drunk. Even though it would be an innocent kiss.

"Come on," she smirked. She was face to face with him, all he smelled was alcohol. "Let's get you inside.. tomorrow we'll talk, i'm convinced you're drunk," he mumbled. They both got out the car. She could barely walk on her own, so he carried her in his arms. He took her house keys and unlocked the door. He carried her to her couch. He placed her on the couch then left her keys on the coffee table. "Wait," she said. He looked at her confused. She hit her lip, "I know i'm a bit drunk but I meant what I said," she hiccuped. He stared at her then smiled. "We'll see tomorrow," he said. He walked out of her house, closing the door behind him. He hoped she meant what she said and that it wasent just her drunk talking.

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