the date || trent x justin

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this shit is so late it was requested like months ago but i just remembered

requested by - @Weird_Kids_Only

If you read my total drama groupchat book, Justin asked Trent on a date so this is the date.


Justin sat at the restaurant as he waited for Trent. Trent was running a little late. "Justin?" someone asked. Justin looked over, Courtney and Noah stood there. "Oh hi," Justin waved.

"What are you doing here?" Noah asked. "Waiting for my date, you guys?" Justin replied then asked.

"We came to get food, we're heading to Heather's place," Courtney replied.

"So who's your date?" Noah smirked. "None of your-" "Sorry im late Justin," Trent said.

"I knew you guys had something going on!" Courtney smirked. Justin looked over at Trent who was blushing. "Shut up!" Justin rolled his eyes.

"We'll be going now, don't worry we won't tell," Courtney giggled. Her and Noah walked off, leaving the two guys there.

"Sorry I exposed us.." there green eyed boy said as he sat down. "It's not your fault, plus we aren't a secret.." Justin mumbled. Trent blushed a bit.

"When Gwen and I started talking for a bit he didn't want anyone to know... I was tired of being a secret.." Trent confessed.

Justin stared at Trent. No one knew when Gwen and Trent started talking again.

It was after Gwen and Duncan broke up the second time. But Gwen didn't want it to be known.

"Well with me, you aren't a secret," Justin winked.

Trent looked away to hide the blush appearing on his face.

"Did you order yet?" Trent asked. "No, I was waiting for you," Justin replied. "Ah okay," Trent smiled. The waiter walked over to the two teens.

"I see your date has arrived now, are you two ready to order?" the waiter smiled as she looked at both teens.

"I'll take.. a cheese burger with fries," Trent smiled at the waiter. She wrote it down then looked at Justin. "And you?" "I'll get some Chicken Alfredo pasta," Justin ordered.

"And to drink?" she asked. "Water," both teens said at the same time.

They looked ay each other and laughed. "Coming up!" the waiter said before walking off.

Trent looked at Justin who was fixing his hair. He played with his fingers as he thought of what to say.

"Don't stare to hard," Justin winked at Trent.

Trent widened his eyes, he forgot he was staring a lot. "Sorry.." Trent mumbled.

"Just joking," Justin chuckled. The waiter came over with their waters and walked off again.

Trent quickly took a sip of his drink. Both of the teens phones started buzzing.

"Groupchat," Justin rolled his eyes as he checked what it was.

They both put their phones on Do Not Disturb. "So, any new songs coming?" Justin asked.

"Currently working on one," Trent smiled. Justin nodded his head. "Cant wait to hear it, you sing and play great," he smiled.

Blush appeared on Trent's face. He's not normally the one that's shy. "Oh uh thanks," Trent mumbled.

The food didn't take that long so they got their food right away. "If you need anything let me know," the waiter smiled before walking off.

Both teens began to eat their food. "This is amazing, try it," Justin said to Trent.

He got some more pasta and placed it by Trent's mouth. Trent tried it and smiled. "That is good!" he said.

"Want to try some of my food?" he then asked. "Feed me it," Justin winked. Justin laughed and let him try his burger.

"Not bad," Justin said after he finished tasting it. Trent smiled, seeing as Justin enjoyed it.

"Let's finish eating then head to the mall, I need new shoes," Justin said.

at the mall

The teens reached the mall. It was quite full. As they walked to the shoe store, they saw Owen and DJ.

"Hey guys!" Owen waved. "Hey," Trent waved back. "What are you guys doing here?" DJ asked. "Just came for shoes," Justin spoke up.

"Ohh ok, well we're heading to get new clothes, we'll see you guys!" DJ said. The four teens said bye and parted ways.

"What shoes should I get?" Justin asked as they walked in the store. "Ummm, these!" Trent pointed to some green shoes.

"They remind me of your eyes, we'll get them," Justin smirked. "Wow, that was fast," Trent laughed.

Justin walked to the front and handed the shoe to the girl. She got the pair of shoes in his size and scanned them.

He paid for the shoes and they walked out. "That didn't even take a minute," Justin said.

"Look photo booth," Justin pointed to it. To the right of the store was a photo booth. "Ooo let's take pictures!" Trent said.

The guys paid and got ready to take pictures. In one, Justin leaned his head on Trent and smiled. Trent smiled as well.

In another, Trent put a peace sign behind Justins head and smiled proudly. Trent stared up pretending to be annoyed.

The third one was Justin pretending to bite Trent's head. Trent made a shocked face. They both laughed and got ready for the last one.

Trent smiled for the last one and last second, Justin kissed his cheek. Their time ended and Trent looked at Justin.

"Oh?" Trent asked then laughed. "Sorry couldn't help myself," Justin chuckled and got out. Trent was shocked but was kinda glad that happened.

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