the train ride

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Y/n = your name

F/f = fav food 

Y/l/n =your last name 

F/c or f/s = fav colour or shade 

B/n =brothers name


at home

y/n's p.o.v. 

"Get up y/n you need to go to school and if you miss the train mum will kill you, you sighed as b/n yelled through the door as I was getting on my f/c or f/s pants/skirt/shorts. (Now let me tell you what is going on so ever since I became a witch my mum and dad have been proud and very supportive of this news when I first showed signs that I had magical powers I threw a pot across the room without touching it and scared my family from it. A year or two later we got a letter from the head master ,Armando Dippet,  from a school we never heard of the letter said that I was a witch and they have enrolled me in to their school , because its the closes one to us, . This school is called Hogwarts and the letter read that I was a Witch and that going to this school would help me control my magical powers).

fast forward to 1975 and I'm in year 5 and I've made a few friends as well as the trouble makers of the school their names are James Potter, his BFF Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. They are an odd bunch of grapes. But they are still my friends some times they can get a "bit" annoying and so I would hang with Lilly but whenever I go to hang with her James and Sirius always join us so we never get "girl time" its more annoying when Sirius is trying to flirt with every girl he sees plus I won't be suprised if he tries to flirt with the boys next. 

Back to what is going on ,oh yes, my mum is at the door and my f/f  is ready to eat so I threw it in to my mouth as I was running around to grab some things to go in to my backpack. I put my books and clothes in my trunks ,last night, and I bring a backpack along with me so then I can keep my drawing books with me and so no one else can see them. "sweet you ready to go" my mum sang from the front door "be down in a sec mum" I replied from my bed room as I was looking for my money and ticket for the train. "hurry we can't wait for you y/n" b/n  hissed through the door as I was about to open it " watch where you go then or you might get hurt from walking in front of a door" I hissed back at him as I picked up my walkman (I know they were invented in 1979 but I'm changing it) and started to play The Jacksons 5 as I walked out of the door and in to the car as we drove off to the train station. 

Ten mins later

"do you have all the things you need" mum asked for the 12th time as we were walking to 9/¾ " yes yes and yes mum don't worry about me the one you need to be worried about is b/- oh hay James" I said as I waved to him " well better get going see you soon mum" " you too love" she replied as I ran over to James. " Hi y/n how has your holidays gone" James asked as I was catching my breath " fine how about you and the boys" "good have you seen Lilly flower" he asked as he looked around " Ooo, on to nick names I see Potter" "shh" he answered as his face went as red as fire "ok ok " I said rolling my eyes .

After two mins I raised a eyebrow at James as he started to giggle like a girl "what's up with yo-" I started to say as a pair of hands landed on my shoulders "He was giggling at me love" a male voice said behind me "dear lord" I whispered to my self "praying won't help y/n" the male voice whispered in my ear "Padfoot, don't flirt with y/n you tried to hit on her last year and it didn't work" I looked over to where Sirius and James were looking, to see Remus running up to us. As Sirius still had his hands on my shoulders he said back "don't worry Moony they all come back in the end" then he winked at me making me blush as I covered my face from the boys. 

"LILLY FLOWER" we hear James yell as he ran over to Lilly to give her a hug but she slapped his hands away from her before he got near her  "No Pot- oh are you two together " she questioned me and Sirius as I looked up from the ground "Ye- No we are not Padfoot, shut up" I butted in  and with that I grabbed Remus's and Lilly's hands and walked off on to the train to find a spot for the long train ride. 

Sirius's  P.O.V

"LILLY FLOWER" we hear Prongs yell as he ran over to Lilly he tried to give her a hug but she just slapped his hands away before he got close to her "No pot- oh are you two together" she questioned me and Y/n. I noticed that y/n's head looked up "Ye- No we are not Padfoot, shut up" Y/n butted in and then walking away hand in hand with Moony and Lilly as James was telling me to get going or the train will leave us.


this is my first chapter i hope you all liked it i will be making more that are MHA and plz look at the other books that i'm making 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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