Chapter 4

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Donella Valentini....

I arrived at the hotel...I waited and waited in the penthouse suite.I looked at everything and frowned as I heard the door opening and closing quietly.

I waited,my angel dropped her bag and walked to the couch and cried.I walked to her slowly,she looked up at me and gasped.

"My angel.."

"No!go away!"she shouted.

I frowned at her and sat down by her,"'s go home"I whispered.She shook her head and cuddled to me.

I smiled and kissed her softly,"Where is he?"I whispered.


"Please tell me"I whispered.

She looked at me,"He's with James..and I want him to be safe"

I sighed deeply,"My angel..."

She climbed on my lap and straddled me,I smiled."I love you"she whispered.

"I love you too"

She held my face,"And I'm not doing this because I want to...I'm just scared babe..I'm so fucking scared"she whispered..

I woke up she was cuddled into me,I snuggled her close.She mumbled something and grabbed my hands,"Shh!"I whispered.

She whimpered.

"Shh!"I whispered and cuddled her closer.

I got up a few minutes later and showered,I changed and had breakfast sent up.I sipped coffee and waited.


"I'm here!"I called.

She walked into the living room,bed head and all.

I smiled,she waddled to me and cuddled into me,"Hows my angel?"I whispered.

"Horny"she whispered and cuddled closer.

"Horny?...we had sex the whole night!"I whispered.

She shrugged,"And?"

I smiled and handed her a plate of bacon and muffins.She squealed and ate happily,she smiled at me.

I smiled.

"You're..getting..."she whispered as she ran her fingers over my eyes and by my lips.

"Wrinkles I know"I chuckled.

"They make you more beautiful"she whispered.

I smiled.

She cuddled into me,"Babe?"


"I love you"she whispered.

"I love you more"I whispered.

She kissed my cheeks,"Where is he?"I whispered.

"James didn't tell me"she said sadly.

I nodded,there was a knock at the door,I went to answer it.James bowed with my son!

I grabbed him and cuddled him to my chest."My baby!"I whispered.

He looked up at me,his green eyes sparkled.

My angel smiled and walked to me,"Surprise"she whispered.

I cuddled her to me,James closed the door and waited outside.

I walked to the bed and cuddled him,"His name?"I asked.

"I wanted to wait and see what you wanted"

I smiled,I looked at her.

The Devils Angel:Book3Where stories live. Discover now