Chapter 1

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Lisa almost felt like a normal person again. She got that way after a good day in the dye chair. The hours-long process always drained her. The horrible smell from the chemicals would burn her nose. And despite the gentle hand of her stylist, it still felt like someone had spent all morning yanking on every part of her body. Now that the ordeal was over it was time to hit up her favorite noodle shop and relax for a bit.

The small shop was nearly empty except for Lisa and some young men ordering at the counter.

Their matching uniforms caught her gaze. Crisp white shirts tucked tightly into pleated khakis all tied together with a bright blue blazer.

She was impressed. And began to imagine where they were from.

The tiger caught her staring. He had a thick well, thick everything the man looked to be all muscle.

He grinned wickedly at her and came over.

She swallowed her noodles hard. Almost choking herself.

Oh no.

She barely avoided a coughing fit as he towered over her.

"Hello, I see you have a staring problem..." He said gruffly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I was only admiring how good your uniforms look."

"I see. So you like a man in uniform?"

He gave a cheesy smile. "Mind if I?" He nodded towards the empty chair across from her.

"But won't your friends?" Was all she got out.

"They won't mind. A pretty lady comes first." He said with a wink.

He held out his hand across the table. "I'm Travis."

"I'm Lisa, it's good to meet you."

"So I thought arctic foxes liked living in snowy climates."

"That's a bit racist..." She said. "I could say the same about you. Don't tigers like colder climates?" She shot back, not taking his sass.

"Sorry. I guess that was a bit racist."

She glanced down at the crest on his blazer. She didn't recognize it but that didn't stop her from making her next decision.

Travis stretched, his arm and back muscles flexing. Lisa watched from the bed. As Travis pulled on his pants, his wallet fell from his pocket.

"You can spend the night." She said. She glanced down at the wallet. A student's I.D. was snuggled into the driver's license pocket.

He tugged on his shirt and turned around. "I can't actually. I need to get back before curfew."

Lisa sat up. What was he talking about? "Why do you have a curfew?" Her eyes widened in panic. The uniform, the curfew, the I.D. He had to be from that prestigious school in town. "Tell me you're joking!"

He raised his brow. "No. I need to get back to school." He gave a knowing smirk.

"Did I just fuck a minor?! How old are you?"

"Hey, I thought we were past being rude?" He said with a snarkiness.

Lisa crawled out of bed, stepping over to him. "Seriously. I need to know how old you are. I could go to fucking jail over this."

Travis wanted to tease her a bit more but he saw the pure panic and worry on her face. This really upset her. He sighed, deciding to be a decent person.

"I'm nineteen, so I'm fully legal..." After her face relaxed he continued. "Don't be so paranoid..." He gave her a grin.

"Look here, mister...I don't need this kind of trouble and I'm not going to be arrested for child rape."

Travis rolled his eyes. As if anyone would believe she raped him. He was easily twice her size. One of his biceps was nearly the size of her head. "I find that hard for anyone to believe. Unless you're confessing to something else..." He teased.

She growled. "Don't you have a curfew?" She reminded him.

He grinned. "I'm not all that concerned about it."

Lisa followed him to the hallway. "Thanks for tonight..." She said.

He looked at her. "Uh..yeah thanks.."

"Even for the part where you made sure my heart still works." She smirked at him this time.

He chuckled. "For sure..." He reached out his hand to her. "Can I see your phone?"

She gave him a questioning look. "What for?"

"Well fine, I won't give you my number."

"It's in the other room..hang on." She started to leave when he caught her arm.

"On second" he held out his phone to her.

She took it and sent herself a text. "There, now we both have each other's numbers." She handed him his phone. Something felt wrong to her. "Come here.." She motioned with her hand for him to crouch.

He got down on her level and blushed when she gave him a peck on the cheek. He hadn't had that happen before

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