Chapter 17

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The next day Police cars flooded the driveway. Asuna unlocked the door and let them in. Detective Mateo and a few others swarmed inside. Lisa sat on the floor in front of the couch. The tears streamed down her face as the officers surrounded her. Detective Mateo came over and put the cuffs on her as he was reading off her rights. He yanked her to her feet.

Travis stood next to his father on the driveway, Bruce had a hand on his son's shoulder. He didn't need him misbehaving in front of this many officers. Lisa looked at Travis then Mateo shoved her head forward again.

"Travis!! I'm scared!" She yelled to him.

"I know baby!" He clenched his fist tightly. "I'm going to get you out of this! I swear Lisa! I'm going to save you!" He yelled to her.

The tears came harder as she got into the car. "I love you, Travis." Mateo ducked her head inside the car and buckled her in before he slammed the door. As the other officers returned to their cars Bruce let Travis go to her.

Travis ran alongside the car. He had tears running down his cheeks as he watched her go. He gritted his teeth.

Bruce stepped up behind his son and wrapped a hand around his son's shoulders. "Travis..."

"Tell mom not to come home." Travis bit out.

" don't mean that."

"No. You tell her to stay the fuck away from me. I want nothing to do with her until Lisa is back in my arms."

"Travis, don't do anything rash. We will go to the jailhouse and see about bail. In the meantime go inside and calm down. I'm going to call my lawyers."

Lisa watched as the car pulled through the gate and up to the jailhouse. She sniffled back some tears. Detective Mateo escorted her inside the building. Took her to an empty cell and slammed the door.

A couple of other officers surrounded the cell. "Are you sure you got the right person Mateo?"

"Yeah, she looks so pathetic."

"It's her. I promise you that." Mateo left his colleagues to go prepare the integration room.

After she was printed and pictured an officer led her to the integration room and set her down in the chair. He fastened her handcuffs to the table before leaving her alone. He didn't say a word the entire time.

The silence would be deafening if not for the pounding in her head.

It hurt to think, to exist.

She could scream. Yell, cry. She wanted to chew through her own arms to get out of this.

The room felt tiny, cold, and unforgiving. Her heart couldn't stop racing as she looked around. She bounced her leg nervously.


Her inner voice hissed.

She closed her eyes and willed this nightmare to end.

This isn't happening. This isn't my fault. I...I didn't do anything.

A tear squeezed out of her eye. She sighed as she leaned against the table. Even if she wanted to wipe her eyes it was useless. Her face felt crusty from all the matted fur. A shudder worked its way from her shoulders down her back and out her tail. The waiting was starting to get to her.


Lisa looked towards the door. She thought she had heard a noise. No one entered. Lisa looked at the center of the table. She had to stop her thoughts before they spiraled into something worse.

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