Chapter 2

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After getting her fixed up the two returned to her house. Her leg now sporting some new stitches and gauze. She fiddled with her keys outside. “Thanks…” She finally said quietly.

"Lisa. What's hurting you so much that you need to cut?" He asked.

"I don't want to say."

"But you promised me. You said that if I stayed then you'd tell me."

Her lip quivered.

Travis could see the pain expressed through her movements. She wasn’t ready for this. He took a breath and pulled her into his chest.

Lisa sniffled and hugged him back.

Travis took her chin into his hand and pushed his lips into hers. He wasn’t good at words but he could help with his actions. He took the keys from her hand and unlocked the door.

He helped her forget about her worldly problems for just a few hours.

The next day at work Jo asked her again for a date and she turned him down a bit more straightforward this time. She hated breaking his heart but she didn’t need to have multiple lovers. She barely needed one right now. She was in the middle of planning her escape. And Travis threw a wrench in that plan.

After work, she swung by the noodle shop and got some soup to go. She desperately needed a pick me up. Once home Lisa went for her keys. She patted herself down and sighed. She slumped against the door. How could she possibly forget her keys? God, she was a mess right now. She pulled out her phone and texted Travis.

L: You busy?

T: Kinda…

L: I was just curious if you had given my keys back last night.

T: I think I did.

L: Well, I’ll leave you be and call a locksmith :(

T: You’re locked out? Have you tried the handle?

L: Why would I do that?

T: Just do it…

Lisa got up and turned the handle. To her surprise, she walked into her home. A huge feeling of unease washed over her.

“Travis?” She called out stupidly.

He walked into the hallway. “Hey.”

“Why are you in my house?” She asked as she closed the door.

“I never left.” He said nonchalantly as he walked back into the kitchen.

“What...don’t you have a life or something?”

“You were gone and didn’t have your keys.”

“So instead of calling me and telling me you just stayed?”

He shrugged and plated up some food.

“ cooked for me?” Her heart fluttered. It hadn’t felt that way before in a while.

“Yeah, I figured you would be hungry when you got back. Plus I was hungry too…although I think you ran out of meat. I couldn’t find any.”

“And you won’t find any. I’m vegetarian.” She set her soup down. “But can we get back to the point at hand! You were in my house all day!”

“So? You’d think you’d appreciate me cleaning it and cooking you food.”

She studdered. “ what?”

“I cleaned your place. Don’t worry. I didn’t look through anything. I just put your dirty clothes in your hamper and mopped the hallway where your blood was and washed all your dishes.”

“Wow...thank you…” She was taken aback. No one had ever done such a nice and simultaneously creepy thing for her.

“Besides. I bet I’ll get some brownie points.” He winked at her.

“Not tonight you won’t…” She smiled. “But you can cash them in at a later time.”

“I can wait.” He said

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