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living arrangments

She dangled her legs from the roof, swinging them back and forth she watched the groups of people come in and out of the apartment building. Hoda's neighbour moved out a few days ago and the agency had immediately found customers willing to buy the property. She watched them with curious eyes as they brought their things in.

They were a group of jolly men. There was a few of them. A blond guy with blue eyes, he looked like every other blond-haired and blue-eyed guy, only he seemed like he was too tall. Awkwardly, lanky and gangly, but by far he was in the best mood.

"Simon! Watch it! That's my stuff!" The blond turned to the source of the voice.

Simon. So, his name's Simon.

"Simon," Hoda whispered to herself. The name like the guy was generic and white. She decided the name suited him.

She took a drag of her vape, blowing the air out into the night, tilted her head as she watched Simon walk into the building with two other men. The one who yelled out Simon was a dark-skinned guy. Beautiful. Might she add? But he looked like he already had too much ego for his own good. He had yellow-ish dreads, that looked like they were once upon a time blond. He wore a bandanna and had two tattoos, she was too far up to what they were, but they were written in cursive.

And the other man, who walked between Simon and the dark-skinned man.

He had somewhat blond hair, but his looked more natural. He had blue eyes and was growing out a beard. A scruffy one, but nonetheless, it was still a beard. He looked buff in his block-coloured hoodie and under any other circumstance Hoda would have thought they would be great friends.

"Move over Harry!" The dark-skinned guy elbowed the hoodie guy.

"Shut up JJ." Harry rolled his eyes, handing the box he was holding to JJ who scowled and made his way inside.

She watched them all disappear into the building.

"Harry and JJ." She let out a puff of smoke as she repeated their names, they felt odd on her tongue but familiar. She had come across many Harrys, Simons and JJs. But something in her head told her these guys wouldn't just be passing in her life like the ones she had already come across.

What is it with the white guys and generic names? She thought to herself as she inhaled the 'berry mix' vape letting the vapour sit in her lungs and on her tongue for a good few seconds before she let it out. She remembers swearing to never smoke. Her grandfather was a smoker and lost his life to cancer. Since then, she has hated anything resembling the cancerous stick. Until she caught her older cousin smoking and decided she couldn't lose another family member, so she came up with a solution. Water vapour with flavours, hoping people would stop buying those awful cigarettes.

Then another car pulled up. A Nissan GTR, customer made. And out came four other men.


Under her feet, Harry's head poked out of the balcony, calling for his friend.

Odd. Hoda had never heard of the name Behz before. Although the man who had come out of the car was pretty in his own way. Ginger with blue eyes. He could possibly be the only few people Hoda had seen who pulled off the ginger hair. I suited him. He had a buff build. Pasty and pale-ishly white but he looked good. Not her type but definingly hot.

"Ay Bogo!" Ethan looked up but before Ethan saw Harry, he saw her. Their eyes locked for a few brief seconds.

She was gorgeous. Tan, olive skin. Hallow cheeks and sharp cheekbones not to mention her pouty lips, arched full brows and long eyelashes.

She smirked and blew him a kiss.

"I'll be up in a minute." He turned to find his keys to lock the door, but as soon as he lifted his head again. She had disappeared. The only thing left was a puff of smoke from where she was sitting.

Ethan paid it no mind; he made a mental note to ask JJ about the girl who sat on the apartment complex's rooftop. Together, he, Josh, Tobi and Vik went into the building to see where they would be living. Each of the boys had bought themselves a new apartment in the building. Close enough but far enough to maintain their privacy.

Hoda was long gone, she had an important online meeting to get to. In America, people were thirsty to get their hands on the new vape product. She had the biggest apartment in the building, directly below the roof, so she got the perfect view of London and the roof garden. She had installed swings, a kitchen/bar, tables and chairs there in case she had any meeting or such out of 'work' hours.

She fixed her posture behind her desk, readjusted the hijab on her head, and popped a piece of gum into her mouth. A habit that she used to boost her confidence.

JJ and the boys on the other hand cheered, smiled and laughed. All of them enjoyed the view that the building had to offer. It was in central London, so beneath them, they had a three hundred sixty view of the vast city below them.

Josh, Simon and Tobi were all on the 73rd floor. Harry, Ethan, Vik and JJ were all on the 74th floor. But for now, everyone had gathered in JJ's house, knowing his house was probably going to be their ideal hang-out spot seeing as he had the biggest and most spacious apartment.

"So, imagine all of us living here means we are literally paying bags." Josh began the conversation as he cracked open a can of coke to pour into his alcoholic beverage, "Who do you think is living in the massive suite on the top floor?"

JJ shrugged, "Probably some next level bill gates giza."

"Well, I think I met his daughter," Ethan replies, drinking his beer.


"The one whose got the 75th floor, I think he had a daughter and she's really hot,"

"Woah, woah, woah, do you even know how old she is?" Simon pointed out.

"She looked our age, might be a bit younger though. And she definitely wasn't white, maybe like the daughter of some next-level prince or something."

"How'd you know it was her?" JJ pointed out.

"She was sat on the roof," Ethan replied, nonchalantly.

"Well, I mean we're hosting a housewarming party and we could invite her?" Tobi points out. He would rather not fall out with the residents of the building within their first week of moving in.

"Yeah, I mean, Ellie made some brownies, could just go over and invite over their kids or something." Vik shrugged reaching over into his backpack and pulling out a box of brownies. 

Written: 31/10/2021

Published: 04/11/2021

(A/N: Literally wrote this on Halloween)

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