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The next time Hoda and JJ saw each other was when she and Ethan came back into the apartment. Ethan and Hoda had come in their hands intertwined as they strolled in, both smiling a light blush covering both their cheeks the cold of the night getting to them.

She stopped in her tracks as their eyes locked for a moment. Neither of them said a word until Ethan smiled warmly greeting his best friend with a grin.

"Hey bro!" Ethan beams, Hoda has seemed to have had an everlasting effect on him.

"Hey." He greets Ethan shortly and sends an acknowledging nod towards Hoda.

His eyes then meet their adjoined hands and suddenly he feels jealousy surge through him.

Hearing the lift doors. He shifts his attention to the woman who had walked out. Violet, Valeria, God he couldn't even remember her name.

"Hey, babe!" She beamed. Even Sean could hear the fake-ness in her voice.

Hoda and Ethan visibly cringed. Giving each other a side-eye, trying to compress the laugh that was threatening to choke them.

They both gave her a polite greeting nod before going into the elevator and Hoda couldn't shake the feeling on those brown orbs fixated on her.

"We should go out again sometime?" Ethan said as they rode in the elevator after they had burst out laughing, mocking JJ's one-night stand.

"I'm game, but next time is on me." She smiled, giving him a hug as he stepped out onto his floor.

"Until then," He bid her goodbye.

She too bid him goodbye a happy smile on her lips. Even with their little bit of awkwardness in the beginning they seemed to have built a bond together.

As much fun as it had been, she needed time to wind down before she went to bed. Vapour. That's all she needed.

She was sitting on the roof, listening to the music that flowed through her headphones when she saw two faces appear downstairs on the balcony.

JJ and Ethan. Yelling at each other.

She was not a nosy person. But a curious one.

She paused her music and took her headphones off moving off the edge of the roof, so she could listen without the risk of getting caught.

She lay flat on the ledge as she listened to their heated conversation.


Just a few moments before, JJ had called Ethan over to his apartment. Using the excuse of filming a video together.

Ethan true to himself had come over even though he had a gym session tomorrow, he had come over, knowing filming a video with JJ won't take more than an hour at most.

He didn't expect that as soon as JJ swung the door open Ethan would be faced with a very drunk JJ. Of course, downstairs he reeked of alcohol, Ethan and Hoda putting it towards his one-night stand.

"Hey bro!" Ethan smiled entering the room when JJ unexpectantly swung at him, his fist encountering the right side of Ethan's face.

And then an argument imploded within the apartment.

"Who the fuck cares that I've been on a date with her?" Ethan pushed JJ into the railings of the balcony as Hoda listened from above.

"I DO!"

Hoda trapped her bottom lip between her mouth to stop the gasp from escaping. She was shocked. She not only had one admirer but two!

"You have a girlfriend!" Ethan gripped JJ's shirt collar.

"Get off me!" JJ pushed Ethan away from him as he tilted his head onto the roof, hoping to catch a glance at her.

She was there, just not visible, as her ears twitched with amusement as she continued to listen.

"Mark my fucking words. She. Is. Mine." Ethan spat and with that, he left the apartment, his ranging stomps echoed around the house as he disappeared.

And suddenly Hoda felt a wave of guilt wash over. She is unknowingly playing two men, who both seemed to have taken a liking to her. She however hadn't been fazed by either of them.


And that's exactly what gave her away as JJ's heard towards the source of the noise, knowing it wasn't his phone because his phone was always on silent. The notification came from above where he knew she was sitting, she had probably heard everything.

Oh, how she hated humans.

There wasn't a point in hiding anymore.

"I heard your phone." His voice carried through the night air.

"Would you like for me to tell you who it was?" She asked aloud, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Go on," he said, taking a swing of the Malibu resting on his apartment.

"Had so much fun today with you, Hoda, we should do it again sometime, kiss, kiss." She read out from her phone.

She would feel bad for doing this, but she also enjoyed a good show, and this one was by far the one she was most interested in. Seeing two friends fight for her was the most entertaining thing she had seen in a while.

"I'm going to kill him."

"I doubt it," She mused, "You wouldn't even hurt a fly, let alone a whole ass human."

"Fuck you." He spat, the alcohol enraging him.

"You wish."

And with that she had disappeared into her apartment, leaving a very confused JJ on the balcony of his apartment. Did he like her or not? Was it only an attraction, or was there something more to their little connection than either wanted to admit to.

He waited a few minutes and then realised that she's not coming back and moved away from the balcony.

Midnight had come and he had found himself twisting and turning in the cold king-sized bed as he waited for sleep to come to him. It didn't. An hour passed and he realised enough was enough. He needed to talk to her. He needed to find her.

Dressed in jeans and a hoodie he found himself in the elevator, waiting for the door to open leading him into her apartment.

*ding* *dong*

And then the regret settled into his body, what is he going to say to her. Yeah, it's midnight and instead of talking to my girlfriend, I've come to you? Maybe if he bolted for it now, she would have never seen him.

But by the time it took for the command to reach his limbs, the alcohol had slowed his every pace but enhanced his impulsiveness, she had swung the door open ready to cuss out anyone who dared interrupt her sleep.

Not that she was doing much sleep anyway. 

Written: 10/11/2021

Published: 13/11/2021

(A/N: biggups to JJ0latunji for the inspiration for this chap <33)

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