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Imagine a place where everyone is separated into groups on their 16th birthday, a place where you are defined by your eye colour, a place where everyone is unique. Welcome to the Kingdom of Oculi.

Oculi was made up of six groups of people. On everyone's sixteenth birthday, they get assigned an eye colour. Before then, the residents of Oculi have rainbow eyes.

There are the blues; the smart and witty. 137*.

The greens; the artistic and creative. 210*.

The browns; the ambitious and brave. 92*.

The greys; the hunters of the purples and the most feared of all. 54*.

The hazels; the smart, witty, artistic, creative, ambitious, brave and hunters of the purples. 43*.

And finally, the purples; the royals. There are only four purples, four royals in the whole of Oculi. The princess of Oculi, the prince, the queen and the king. The purples were constantly hunted by the hazels and greys. It is said that the prince, queen and king of Oculi have already been picked, but no one knew of the princess yet. 

And so begins the story of Dawn Elyse Miracle. A fifteen-year-old girl whose birthday is only two days away.

*The amount of people who are in the group

(cover by littletownlady)

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