Chapter 1

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It was mid-Autumn and Dawn Elyse Miracle was lying in her bed at 1 p.m., making up imaginative scenarios with her having each eye colour. She sighed as she took in the fact that she will discover her eye colour the day after tomorrow. On her sixteenth birthday. She couldn't wait. Dawn knew of all the eye colours and knew what they meant and what they made you; she also knew that her father and Theodore, her twenty-year-old brother had both been given grey eyes and her mother, hazel. Dawn had just finished writing a secret letter to her best friend, Grace Stone about her colour reveal. Grace's sixteenth birthday had been way back in March and she had received the colour, grey.

Dawn's father was a carpenter and when he wasn't making things, he was hunting for purples, the royals. On many of these hunts, Theodore and his mother also joined him, leaving Dawn by herself with nothing to do except reading. All her life, she had been told that she would be given grey eyes, but every time her parents told her that, they shifted uncomfortably in their seats and quickly changed the subject straight after. Dawn (or Ellie as she was known to most) had thought this most unusual and all sorts of bizarre ideas sprung up in her head. What if I get purple? What if I get blue? Green? Brown? No, no, no, don't be silly, Ellie! Your entire family has grey so you'll get that too... right?

Yet the thought bugged her every time the subject was brought up (which was often). Ellie had even begun to avoid the dinner table, preferring to eat dinner in her bedroom, as her parents constantly talked about eye colours.

Suddenly, there was a sharp knock on her door and Dawn snapped into reality, jumping up with surprise. From outside her door, Theo's low voice could be heard.

"Ellie, mum and dad are calling you. They don't look too happy, so you better get down there, quick," Theo warned, popping his head around the corner of the door.

"Fine. Tell them I'm coming," Ellie feigned yawning and got out of bed. She took one look in the mirror and groaned. Her wavy, dark brown curls were tangled. Sighing, she snatched her hairbrush from her wooden bedside table and fruitlessly before making her way downstairs, hairbrush clutched in one hand, and hair tye in the other. She ran across the hall, towards the front room from where she could hear her parents' voices issuing. It sounded as if they were arguing and Dawn was about to turn and head upstairs again when she heard her name being said.

"Dawn is perfectly able to find out for herself!" came her father's loud voice and a loud noise came from the room, it sounded as if someone had hit the table with their fist.

"But she needs to know before it is revealed! She'll think we are traitors! Please!"

"No," came her father's voice calmly but firmly. "And I hope you won't bring this subject up in front of me again, until needed, Estelle!"

Before Ellie could do move out of the way, her father's figure appeared at the door.

"D-Dawn?" he whispered, colour draining from his face. And then her mother appeared alongside him, her hand immediately flying to her mouth.

"Dawn, dear, how-how long have you been sta-standing there?" she questioned, exchanging a worried look with her husband.

"Oh..erm...I actually just came!" Dawn lied. "Theo said you called me?" she added. She knew nothing positive would be driven out of the situation if she told them just how much she had heard.

"R-Really?" and the colour returned to Mr Miracle's face. He clasped his hands together and smiled. "Well, the matter has been sorted. You can go back upstairs."

With that, he walked away.

" better go and make dinner," her mother said hurriedly as she made to leave.

"Mum? Are you hiding something?" Dawn blurted out abruptly and her mother stopped in her tracks, turning to look at her.

"N-No...What makes you say that?" she replied, giggling Her voice was very high-pitched, which was as good as a confession.

"No reason...Well, I'll be up in my room if you need me. See you," Ellie almost up the stairs to her room, her mind buzzing with thoughts and she wasn't concentrating on where she was putting her foot. As a result, she accidentally missed a step and tripped over, landing face down on the landing with a crash. The first door on the right of her flew open and out came Theo. But instead of helping his sister, he collapsed into fits of laughter at the sight.

"Ow...," Ellie groaned, slowly bringing herself to her feet and scowling at Theo who was still laughing.

"How'd you end up there?" he asked, finally.

"Oh, I flew her and decided it would be nice if I lay down on the floor," she replied sarcastically. I tripped, idiot."

"MUUUUUUM!!! ELLIE CALLED ME AN 'IDIOT'!" Theodore shouted.

"BE KIND TO YOUR BROTHER, DAWN! HE'S OLDER THAN YOU!" came their mother's voice.

"Thanks a lot, tell-tale. You're an adult but act like a ten-year-old," Ellie hissed as she began to head up to her room. Theo frowned.

"Is something bothering you? Was it something mum and dad said?" he questioned, concernedly.

"NO! I mean...none of your business!"

And she pulled open her room door and slammed it shut loudly.

"Chill, it was just a question."

A/N: I hope you liked the first chapter! Please tell me what you think! (And if you prefer 1st person or 3rd person!

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