I need you to Protect Me.

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Stefan drove home from his parents house. He stopped at his flat and went inside holding Brian's hand. Stefan's flat was dirty, it was a little like the short man behind him. Brian realized that their flat's looked about the same, filled with music and drinks. Stefan turned on the light and sat down on the couch, frustrated with himself.

"Why did I have to put you through all that," The man before him said, he was miserable. His parents made him crazy, and Brian could tell he was pissed about it.

"It's okay, I've met worse than your parents. Your mum's a sweetheart." Brian sat down next to Stef, he didn't want to see his nineteen year old cry any longer.

Stefan took his hands away and looked at Brian's skinny face, "Thank you. My mum tried her best to care about you, she is always nice to my friends."

"Your father. Is another story though." Brian added impolitly.

Stef sighed, remembering the past he had with his father. "He does that, not the nicest person in the world.At least he wasn't as mean as he normally is."

"Yeah." Brian realized that he shouldn't talk about Stef's father anymore, It was causing the teen next to him to become angry with himself again.

Stefan turned to stare right into Brian's blue-green eyes that hid behind his long black hair . "Thank you for coming, it meant a lot. Even if you didn't want to go."

Brian shot his eyes down at the floor and looked back up, "Welcome." He slyly moved in and kissed Stef. They held there for a second before Brian pulled away while biting his boyfriend's lip.

"Do you know what I want?" The twenty one year old whispered while slowly unbuttoning his black shirt. The man before him in the same black shirt watched patiently.

Stefan smiled at his friend and lent him his bony hand, "Come with me."

Brian knew exactly what Stefan was thinking. They quietly got up and went to his nineteen year old boyfriend's bedroom. Brian giggled, he was excited for the next sequence of events that would happen.

"Do you want the light on or off?" Stefan asked.

Brian sat down on Stef's new bed that he had gotten a week ago, it was still a little hard underneath him. "I want it on to see your pretty face." He smiled at the tall man in the doorway.

"On it is." He left the light to shine. Their bodies casted dark shadows in the room around them. Stef took his shirt off slowly and crawled into bed with tiny Brian sitting beside him.

"You ready?" Stefan asked cautiously. He didn't want to have his partner be hurt.

"Yes, you know I am." Brian pulled his black hair away from his face and slid his shirt off his small shoulders.

Stefan leaned in to Brian's pink lips. Brian grabbed onto the latch of his boyfriend's pants and unbuttoned them before revealing the rest of himself slowly. Nothing was left to the imagination.

Brian let go of the tall man's lips and bit his lip gently. He looked down at himself pleasuring the man infront of him. He looked back up at Stef's long back infront of him. The twenty one year old tried his hardest to pleasure the tall teenager.

"Brian." He moaned softly in delight.

There was an elegance to what he was doing that made Stefan yell. "B...Brian."

Brian screamed right back at his partner. "Stefan Olsdal. I love you motherfucker." 

Brian turned Stefan around so he could see his lover's chest. A smile ran across Stef's skinny face before he lunged onto the nape of Brian's small neck. Brian fell back in his partner's bed and let Stef do what he wanted to him.

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