32. The Best Prisoner

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Kyle Grant was the most obedient prisoner in the world.

He could see the kid was tired, but he walked on in his wake, no further comments, just pointing out danger when he spotted it. And he couldn't believe it had come to this. The words had slipped out before he could dwell too much on them, but it was true. After everything they'd been through, there was no way he was doing this without Kyle's consent. He understood.

Once they were what he assumed was a minute's distance away from the compound, he stopped. Kyle did, too, looking simply exhausted. A tinge of worry overtook him at the thought that their little adventure might have been too much for him. After all, he was not completely recovered. And the day had been brutal. He'd tucked everything away, trying to just function, get to safety.

"I think we're nearly there," he said.

"Was about time," Kyle mumbled.

"You're tired, aren't you?"

"Aren't you?" He also sounded annoyed and he wondered why. "What now?"

"Now you let me threaten you with the gun and take you inside."

Kyle hesitated, his gaze shifting from him to the vegetation before them, probably trying to catch a glimpse of the compound.

"Why did they leave you for dead?"

He gritted his teeth. It was much too complicated to tackle now. "It's still my little problem."

"Look, it's pretty obvious that it's Von Crooken. You two butt heads a lot for allies. And he's probably been at it for years."

Kyle had no idea, but he wasn't about to elaborate either. Not beyond what was apparently obvious. "Yes, it's Von Crooken. But that doesn't mean there aren't people loyal to me in there."

"Enough to keep you safe?"

He did a doubletake. "Me?"

Kyle narrowed his eyes, the corner of his mouth lifting in the ghost of a smirk. "Yes, you. I know you'll keep me safe."

The trust brought a weird feeling to his chest, like a missing piece falling in there, making him feel less hallow. It had been happening a lot lately, especially when Kyle had sang to him to rid him of his migraines. The sound of his voice was still a fresh memory that kept the pain away. At least the one in his head. His heart was entirely different matter, especially when it had been frozen for so long. Thawing was surprisingly painful.

"I will. I promised you I would."

Kyle didn't say anything about that, just continued to squint at him. It was unnerving.

"So, what's the plan, Bob?"

The dumb name made him smile, but he tried to hold it in. Best not be too friendly, especially when he was so exhausted and his self control was a little down the toilet.

"We'll just walk in. I'll pretend I found you in the jungle and captured you. We should have no problem getting in. People still fear me. If they don't... Well, I hope you're ready for one more fight."

Kyle grinned. "Always. But I hope it won't be necessary, at least not now."

"Oh, it will definitely be necessary later. But we both need to rest." He hesitated, because here came the unpleasant part. "I'll have to lock you up in a cell."

"Obviously." Kyle frowned as if the word meant something more to him. "You'll have to lock me up to keep the peace among your men."

"Yes, that." And also make sure his men wouldn't lynch him in his sleep for turning soft. "There are appearances that need preserved and all that jazz."

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