Book Author Note

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Welp, here we are. At the end of the book. And there will be no more book after this one. I think I'm going to go sit in a corner and cry for a few moment. Be right back...

Hi guys!

Thank you so much for reading Curtain Call. Wow, this has been so... I can't believe I've actually managed to finish it in less than a year seeing as I had NO idea what I was doing. Like I had to stop at moments just to think what the hell happens next. Especially because I'd planned NOTHING after the big reveal.

I know the story is not perfect. But at least I have a first draft and a complete arch for my characters which I can now use to make the entire story better. I have to say, I'm quite satisfied with the final preliminary product I have now.

Once again, I feel like it breaks the pattern. It's different from all the other books with the married life dynamics and also everything going to hell with the speed of light.

I also attempted to finish Snitch Gravel's arch and I do hope he managed to redeem himself, or at least be understood. Maxi as well.

Freider... Well, I guess he was a shock to everyone.

Anyway, the old generation needed to die for the new one to take over. And take over they did.

I know there were SO MANY BRICKS in this book, a lot of them consisting in spilled secrets and SO MANY characters dying. Or coming back to life.

And yes, the series actually has a happy ending with no strings attached this time. 

Speaking of which, let me give you some extra fan service.

Life after the epilogue

I wanted to expand a bit on the epilogue here to confirm some things you may have all been thinking.

Yes, after the last chapter, they kept moving around once every few months, hunting down the people they deemed heads of the Counters. The guys mostly still did field work, aided by goons and former agents.

The girls also did missions from time to time, just not all of them at once for obvious reasons. Sarah and Christine didn't go on assignments, but they continued training to make sure they could protect the base.

Yes, Hannah is Jimmy and Jessie's little girl.

As the Agency members ran out, they branched out into a sort of crime fighting. Kyle did have all those people to coordinate and keep happy, so why not have them take out other people like them?

They all had a fair amount of money when they went under, but they could survive all those years without worry because Davyn left Kyle his shares in green energy projects (there was actually a hint on this in book 3 when Tom stumbles upon his contracts. Also, seeing as all of them knew they'd had to go under, they did make investments and offshore accounts to ensure they never run out of money.

Eric finally moved on with his life and now has Vanessa, so he gets a happy ending as well.

William never did come back, but I'd like to think that he took advantage or not being a primary target and settled down in a small town with Dea. The two married and have a child together.

Ironically enough, Billy ended up becoming a roamer like his father, not settling down.

As far as our boys and girls are concerned, you can tell the dynamics didn't change that much. There was no more drama and the couples stayed as strong. The kids grew up together, turning very resourceful. They were also very well trained.

After the epilogue, the kiddos end up going to Saint Agnes. After about a year, their parents return to Chicago as well, to their old houses. It's a bit shocking really, but the level of danger is diminished considerably. Not really gone, but manageable, just like it had been in their first years of activity.

So, basically, yes. The story has a happy ending. Our boys and girls do end up living together in peace. Happily ever after.

Historical and geographical accuracy

This is surprisingly devoid of any real historical facts. But I did manage to finally tie in the history of the jewel into something rooted in real history. The provinces of the Roman empire, the possible placement of the jewels, the imperialism and colonialism that followed... Well, it all seems likely.

And I had loads of fun putting together history and mythical history when building up the Counters. Unfortunately, the spirit of the Cold War never dies, even after so many years.

Geography is strangely irrelevant for once.

Mandatory questions

Keep in mind that this is only for this book. The series will get its own set of questions. So if you feel like it, I want to ask you about your favorites and if there are any changes from previous books.

Favorite character?

Favorite couple?

Favorite scene?

Did you feel like there was character growth and plot evolution?

Anything you would have liked more / less of?

Anything that you feel didn't make sense or needed to be expanded on better?

Biggest change from the previous books.

Do you feel like all your questions were answered?

I want to give you all another huge thank you and a huge hug. Getting through all those books and following a monster series wasn't easy.

As you already know by now because I mention it every other word, this series is my baby and every read and comment I get on it means the world to me. I always appreciate honest feedback because there is still so much that can be improved, but I honestly and deeply hope you've enjoyed the ride.

See you in the series note!



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