Chapter Nine

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Peter had gotten me into a comfortable day to day routine. I can't do anything that involves touching my leg without being in immense pain, so I try to avoid that. But whenever I need something he's always around, unfortunately that means I have no time to myself. And no time to even think about getting away from him.

If I even want to anymore. I mean what would I do?

I've been stuck in this bed for a week now, Peter's been carrying me to and from the bathroom when needed and even bathed me I requested it. I'm sure I could manage when my leg healed if I had the means to do so but I don't even have crutches or a prosthetic leg, not like Peter would get me one either. This was his intention anyway.

He wants me dependent on him, just like I actually am right now.


I really wanted to plan a way to escape him, to do anything. But at the same time I just wanted to cuddle up next to him and never leave. God, I hate this, and I hate myself for not hating him more.

Peter was laying next to me in bed, cuddling close to me but being cautious of my leg. He promised to buy a tv for the bedroom tomorrow, claiming that he can probable figure out how to run the cables and set it up, and if he can't he'll get a DVD player and be sure to buy enough movies for me. He managed to find a jigsaw puzzle stuffed away in the attic and found a deck of playing cards so he didn't let me stay bored this entire time, although I couldn't sit on the floor to work on the puzzle for very long so it's not getting done that quick.

He really did 'forgive and forget' and pretended and noting bad ever happened between us. Sometimes I wonder if he even knows if he's the one that did this to me, he acts so indifferent about it even happening. I don't know what he's capable of anymore, I thought I had a chance of changing things but now I don't even know if I can prevent myself from loosing my own life, much less save anyone else.

God I'm so worthless.

Maybe I should just give up and stay with Peter? At least I'll be with someone who loves me like no one else, someone who will care for me. Peter's so sweet now too. Maybe starting over is for the best, then we can both be happy again. Right?

"What are you thinking about?" Peter asked worriedly , noticing me biting my lip and staring off into space.

"Hmm, oh us actually." I snapped back into reality, smiling sweetly at him. "I love you."

His worried expression quickly faded, replaced with a sweet smile. "And I love you Y/n!" He giggled like an excited child. "I love when you tell me that."

We had just finished dinner a few hours ago and Peter had helped me get ready for bed. "I love when you love when I tell you that~" I lightly tapped my finger on his forehead. "You're my sweet boyfriend."

"Mm hu." He hummed in agreement. "Go to bed now honey, I'm sure you're tired."

Well he's not wrong, not being active really has made me lazy. "Okay." I smiled once more at Peter as he stood up and went to turn off the light before climbing back into bed with me. He quickly made himself comfortable snuggled up close to me, being careful of my leg once again. He had got me situated with an extra pillow propped up under my leg, so I was stuck trying to fall asleep on my back. It's not exactly what I'm used to, I usually spend hours trying to fall asleep.

When Peter first noticed my horrible time trying to fall asleep he offered to give me sleep aids but I quickly rejected, opting to fall asleep the natural wall. And not have him constantly passing me drugs. I mean we're finally starting to act normal... Well normal-ish...

I don't want him to pull those pills out and be reminded of the past and get fucked up conspiracies in his head. I know I shouldn't stay, I really do. But god, It's so hard to pull away from him, I love that freak.

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