Chapter Seven *Edited*

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Peter returned a few minutes later, bringing me a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. "I should have asked what you wanted, will this work?" He asked and handed me breakfast.

I said yes and thanked him. He sat down next to me after pulling the blanket away from my ankles and checking to see if I messed with the ropes. I did, of course, but didn't make any progress in untying them. Once he was satisfied that they weren't tampered with he smiled at me and snuggled up next to me while I ate. Once I finished he went to grab my plate and stand up but I stopped him, taking his hand in mine. "Peter, I wanna go for a walk."

"What?" He asked, startled.

"Yeah, maybe around the house, like out in the woods? With you of course."

He pulled his hand free, shaking his head. "You know you can't leave."

"I'm not leaving you, we'll be going together."

He ignored me and picked up my plate, and walking out and leaving me alone once again. It was like this for the the rest of the day every time he'd bring me a meal I'd try to negotiate going outside, or at least being untied, he'd shut my idea down in a heartbeat.

"Can you at least untie me so I can use the bathroom again." We had just finished dinner an hour ago, he had kept me here all day, I was bored out of my mind. I'm really regretting not bringing a book to read now.

He thought about it for a moment, but gave in. "Fine." He pulled out his pocket knife and cut my legs free. I practically jumped with joy, leaping out of the bed so quickly I tripped over myself, partially because my legs were still asleep and because they were still so stiff. Peter caught me with one arm, smiling down at me. "You okay?" He teased.

"My legs are asleep." I giggled. Not even angry that he's the reason they're asleep in the first place.

"I can carry you if you'd like?"

I held my arms up, grinning stupidly. Giving him my answer. He gently reached down and scooped me up, holding me under my knees and under my back. I leaned my head against his chest and looked up at him. "Peter?"

He had started carrying me out into the hallway and towards the bathroom. "Yes, love?"

"Can we cuddle and watch tv after this? I don't want to go back to bed."

Peter smiled down at me and gently set me on my feet in front of the bathroom door, not saying a word. I'm assuming that means no then. I sighed and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

I did my business and even did some basic stretches, the bathroom was big enough after all. Not to mention I'm not gonna have a chance to move around this much as soon as I step outside that door.

After about fifteen minutes I figured I had spent enough time in here, any longer and Peter might think I'm trying to plan an escape. I finally stepped out into the hallway, as expected Peter was waiting.

He smiled at me, gently taking my hands. "Come on." Letting go of my hands he picked me up again like before, he snuggled his head into mine. "You said you wanted to watch tv?" He asked, carrying me out towards the kitchen and and into the living room.

Stunned that he wasn't forcing me back into that bedroom I smiled excitedly. "Really?" I exclaimed. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He gently set me down on the couch, waiting for me to let go of him. "I'm in a good mood, so I'm being nice."

Good. I kept my arms around him and pulled his face closer to mine, "Hell, forget about the tv now." With that I kissed him. Yeah we didn't watch any tv, he cured my boredom though. The night passed quickly, and I found myself back in the bedroom. Thankfully not bound in rope this time, but completely intertwined in Peter's embrace. Even our legs were tangled together. I can't even move my head to look and see if Peter's awake, if he's not I don't want to wake him, and if he is I don't want him to know I'm awake.

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