Chapter Ten

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Somehow Peter and I managed to have sex with without aggravating my leg. I don't even know how things moved from us sitting on the floor in the kitchen to us lying naked in bed. We were both laying across the side of the bed instead of laying on it normally, facing each other. Obviously I was laying on the side of my leg that wasn't injured. Peter was playing with my hair, curling it around his finger and gently tugging on it.

I smiled at him. "Are you having fun?" I teased.

"Mhh." He hummed, in what I'm assuming was a yes, as he continued to play with my hair. 



I chucked at his responses. "Are you still upset about earlier?" If he was he didn't seem like it. 

"Oh of course~" He happily smiled at me.

Huh? "Um... Right, what do I need to do to get you to forgive me?"

"I don't know~" He stretched his words, dropping the strand of hair he was playing with and pulling his hand close to his side.

"What do you mea-Is this because I said that earlier?" I asked when it finally dawned on me. He wore a devious smirk on his face, confirming my question. "So what do you want?" The smile dropped off of his face and and sat up. I followed lead, pushing myself up on my arms and moving to sit on the edge of the bed like he was. 

"I want an answer."

"I don't even remember what you asked Peter." How could I? I was so worked up and panicked, I was crying the whole time as well, I'm was mostly focused on the fact he mentioned killing my friends and family.

Peter sighed and stood up, gathering up his clothes and getting dressed. He gathered my-or his shirt that I've been wearing and my underwear and handed them to me so I could get dressed as well. He hooked his arm around waist once I got my underwear around my thighs and held me up so I could pull them the rest of the way up. 

This is how he usually helped me change, he's really strong. Considering how small he looks, he's able to practically lift me with one arm.

Once we were both dressed he gently set me back down on the edge of the bed and joined me, lacing his fingers with mine and leaning his head on my shoulder. "What do I need to do? To make you love and only me for the rest of our life?" 

"Peter, I already love you." 

He yanked his hand from mine and leaped off of the bed, pacing back and forth before me. "I'm serious Y/n!" He snapped. "What do you want, you tried to leave me." He blinked back tears and continued, "I can't loose you. What do you want from me? I'd do it. Anything."

I thought for a few seconds before answering him. "Things need to change Peter, by a lot." I took a deep breath, waiting to see if he would get angry with me. He stayed silent and watched me. His arms crossed in an anxious manner, clutching his forearms. "Firstly I want crutches. Second, I want my phone. Third, I want to go outside. And forth... Forth... Uh... Well if I think of more I'll tell you." My confidence started to faultier when I couldn't finish my sentence. 

He anxiously tapped his thumb on his forearm and sighed once again before dropping his arms to his side. "Okay, I'll get you crutches and we can go outside together." His gaze dropped away from me and off towards the side of the room, like he couldn't face me.

"And my phone?"

He opened and closed his mouth like he wanted to say something but then finally turned his gaze back to me. God he looked miserable, like this was ripping his heart in two. Finally agreeing by silently nodding he slowly crouched down next to the chest by the side of the bed. I was almost tempted to stop him because of how sad he looked. Almost.

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