Part 2: We Are Closer

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"So..." Summer Rae started as she picked on her chicken salad in the hotel restaurant, "You hear Roman tapped Dana Brooke last night?"

Alicia raised an eyebrow. "The Kaitlyn clone from NXT? Really?" When Summer nodded, Alicia chewed her breakfast and then sighed. "Well, you can add another name to the list," she smiled, raising a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice to her lips.

"Not surprised," Summer said with a shrug. "You shoulda seen her last night. You left the bar early. She was all over him."

"And now she's been under him too," Alicia concluded. "I hope she's not expecting more 'cause that's how far she's gonna get with him."

Sitting between the two women, Jaida took her time sipping her orange juice, refusing to partake in the discussion. Inwardly she wished they didn't talk so much about the man in question. It was common knowledge that both ladies had given in to the charms of the Samoan powerhouse, but neither knew that the seamstress, only a week ago, had also done the same. And if she had her way, they would never know about it. She had no interest in being dragged into lewd conversations and comparing sexual notes about him all the time. "So...what are y'all doing for Valentine's Day next week?" she asked, hoping to change the subject.

"Nothing," Alicia said grumpily, still smarting from her recent break-up with Wade Barrett. Jaida winced at her own insensitivity.

"We could room together," suggested Summer, "Watch shitty chick flicks and eat Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream."

Alicia laughed. "Sounds utterly pathetic, but I'm down for that." She then looked over at Jaida texting on her phone. "What about you Jay? What are you up to next week?"

Summer said, "Probably hooking up with that hunky guy she's been talking to all week. Your ex, right Jaida?"

And then there was that.

Alicia sat up straighter, looking back forth between the two women eagerly for the fresh gossip. "Ex? What ex?"

Summer faced Alicia to fill her in. "His name's Lincoln, and he's coming over today to pick her up and take her out on a date. That's why she's not eating anything."

Jaida shook her head, glancing out the massive glass window of the restaurant. "You need to quit bein' so damn nosy." She looked back inside to see Roman walking in, accompanied by former Funkadactyl Cameron, and her train of thought was temporarily derailed. "And it's not a date. We haven't seen each other in a long time. He's in town so we decided we're gonna catch up, that's all."

"Can I see a picture?" Alicia asked, and Jaida passed her phone to her. "Holy shit, he's hot! Why do you keep all this juicy shit from us, Jay? I thought we were friends," she whined. "What else are you hiding, huh?"

Oh, you don't wanna know. Taking another glance at her phone, Jaida rose to her feet and picked up her bag. "I gotta go, guys. I'll be back in an hour, two tops. Y'all don't need me, right?"

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