Part 3: We Are Burned

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Jaida slid into the booth across from her friends and mumbled an apology for being late for breakfast

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Jaida slid into the booth across from her friends and mumbled an apology for being late for breakfast.

"You look like shit," was Summer's pointed greeting, pushing a plate of waffles toward her friend.

Jaida cast her a withering look. "Thanks," she stated flatly, sliding her sunglasses onto her head. "How's the food?"

"Edible," the blonde athlete analyzed, scooping up some oatmeal. "Actually, I've noticed you don't seem to be getting a lot of sleep lately. Are you okay?"

Jaida kept her green eyes trained on her plate. There were a few reasons, and most of them involved a certain former member of the Shield. This time, it was a long night of FaceTime sexing. Having followed the Total Divas crew to Las Vegas, she'd snagged a hotel room for herself and therefore had free rein to do whatever she – and he – wanted. They'd only just finished a few hours ago, leaving her with little time to sleep and almost sleeping through her morning alarm. She could feel Alicia's eyes boring into her, waiting for an answer, but she wasn't going to get one.

Taking a small bite of her waffle, Jaida winced. It tasted like dry bread. "I'm fine. Just been busy," she said vaguely.

"Busy, huh?" Summer inquired, "Doin' what? Having sex with Roman?"

She felt her heart drop in her chest. She knew she'd gotten sloppier hiding it, but then again she should have known that nothing went under the radar in this company. She could only imagine who else knew about it.

Summer finally looked up, an eyebrow raised in interest. "So you've finally boarded the Reigns Train. About fuckin' time. Something tells me it's been happening for a while too."

A month, to be precise. The fact that it had gone relatively unnoticed for that long was a miracle in itself. "A while," she replied curtly.

"And you've been spending the night with him, right?" Alicia observed, sipping on her apple juice. "He never lets anyone stay over. Not to my knowledge anyway. I guess you're doing something right."

Jaida could hear the jealousy in the young woman's voice, but she opted to ignore it. "I guess."

Summer winked at the seamstress. "So give us the deets, Jay. He's good, right? We told you he was."

Good did not come close to describing it, but she was better off taking the indifferent route. "He's good," she shrugged again. Reaching for her glass of orange juice, Jaida met both of their incredulous stares. "What?"

"He's not just good, Jaida," Summer corrected, "He is the best. By a mile. Like, has he done that figure eight thing in your pussy with his tongue yet? I swear my eyes water every time-"

"Okay," Jaida interjected, increasingly uncomfortable. "Fine, whatever. He's awesome. Happy?" When Summer rested her elbows on the table and fixed her with a stare, a frown came upon the seamstress' face. "What?"

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