Part 4: We Are Scarred

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Standing in the lobby as he waited for the elevator, Lincoln Brandt watched the man they called Roman Reigns make his way down the long stretch of hallway to his right, a carry-on suitcase behind him. It was the first time he was laying eyes on the bigger man in two months, and despite the clear size disadvantage, the urge to grab Roman by the jugular seared through Lincoln nonetheless. Frankly, he'd been feeling this way ever since he discovered the truth about his girlfriend's involvement with the other man, all those months ago.

 Frankly, he'd been feeling this way ever since he discovered the truth about his girlfriend's involvement with the other man, all those months ago

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As the weeks went by in their rekindled relationship, a sinking feeling began to settle in Lincoln's gut that said Jaida was seeing someone else. Though subtle, the signs were there; signs that only a man in love would recognize. She always argued with him, and when they weren't arguing she wanted to have sex, as though to assure him that she wanted him. But he remembered how her fingers would constantly scrape at his scalp, as though she was grabbing for long hair, the disappointment that flashed in her eyes whenever she began to trace her finger over his pec only to find bare, non-tattooed skin; how she always kept her eyes closed, as if trying to preserve whatever illusion she had conjured up in her mind. She constantly disappeared to take phone calls, was always in a hurry to go back to work. By then he knew he was not being paranoid. He remembered her demeanor during WrestleMania weekend, how she held his hand a little tighter when Roman was nearby or tensed up when someone mentioned his name. All his fears were confirmed at the after-party, as he watched both of them make eyes at each other all night long, and Lincoln knew he had finally put a face to the object of his girlfriend's desires.

He could understand what Jaida saw in Reigns. Just by looking at him he saw why he was WWE's Champion. Hell, Lincoln could already see his father's magazines flying off the shelves if they ever had the young Superstar on any of the covers. There was an air of confidence and cockiness about him that made men want to be him and women want to be with him. It just hurt him that Jaida had allowed herself to be lost among the numbers in an undoubtedly long list of conquests.

Lincoln spent this week at WWE's World Headquarters in Connecticut negotiating a long-term marketing deal that was guaranteed to take his own fledgling business to great heights. It was a chance to finally step out of the shadows of his father, as Jaida had so eloquently put to him. He always admired his girlfriend's brain and business savvy, back from the days when they used to work together. She had a willingness to give her own input and ideas to him, and not once had she steered him wrong. This time though, he wondered if she had dispensed this advice out of guilt. Two months had passed since he put two and two together and he was yet to confront her about it. Honestly? He didn't want to, and as days went by, he slowly started to feel like he wouldn't need to after all. For one, the aforementioned signs had significantly dwindled. She paid more attention to him now. Maybe she'd stopped seeing Roman. Or maybe she had learned to hide it better. Either way, Lincoln wasn't sure he was ready to lose her because of it. He knew it was chicken shit, but he didn't care. He'd never loved any woman the way he loved Jaida, and he'd loved quite a few women in the past. She had filled a void in him in ways he had never imagined. Even if all he had was a piece of her, he was sure he'd be okay with that.

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