Chapter 38

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The next two days were hell for armelle, Endymion was being impossible. He was so anxious about her well-being that it started to give her an unnecessary headache.
He would feed her every meal with his hands. He wasn't letting her go outside the room. She was so irritated but couldn't stay mad at him.

After the doctor gave her some medicines that day, Endymion created his own restrictions for her. At night he wouldn't sleep claiming he was an immortal god and he didn't need any sleep. No matter how much she pursued him stating she didn't care if he was a God or not. Everyone needs their sleep. He taunted her giving her a mean look and said, "Look who's talking.".Rendering her completely speechless.

She knew it was a loss cause and nobody can  make him understand that it was unnecessary to be this way. She just has a cold, not even fever. So, she let him be. Doing whatever he told him to do. But she secretly loved the way he was taking care of her. For a long time nobody did. It felt so good to be taken care of.She was happy and she could feel that he was as well.

Yet, none of them voiced anything about the almost-kiss that almost happened that day. Endymion was afraid to even think for a moment that she also wanted to kiss him just like he did. He didn't consider himself worthy of her affection. On the other hand, Armelle was too shy to say anything about the matter. He often kissed her on the cheek sometimes even her forehead. But before she could kiss him on the lips he always pulled away.It was frustrating for her. She was mad and at the same time worried about it. One thing she clearly understood was the fact that he was withstanding himself. She didn't understand why but she felt it. She wanted to ask him about it but then thought of giving him some time. It was as much difficult for him as it was for her. So, she let things flow naturally.

The sudden sound of the door being opened demanded her concentration. She saw Endymion was entering with a tray in his hand that had a glass of juice in it. She smiled adorably seeing him but as soon as it fell on the tray, she groaned loudly. Not again. she just ate some soup. He again brought something.

At times she felt her stomach would burst due to the amount of food she was having.She quickly hid herself in the blankets. She heard him coming towards her and she clutched the sheets tightly. She heard him sigh and evilly smiled. Thinking the plan might work when she heard him place the tray on the table and sit beside her. She was clutching the sheet tightly and was balled up in blankets. Endymion sighed loudly and said, "Love, I brought some juice. You need to drink it."
"No, I am full. I am not drinking anything."She said hidden under the blanket.
"You have to, Okay if you drink it now, I won't disturb you with any food or drink for another three hours."He tried to bribe her little self.
Armelle thought for a moment it was a tempting offer but what if he didn't keep his word.
"No, you are lying."
"I am not, I promise. Don't you trust me?"
Armelle peeked from the blankets and looked at him trying to decide if he was lying or not.
"You promise?"
" Promise." He tried to look promising.

She sat down and then drank the weird tasting juice which she had no idea what it was. Endymion placed them on the table and put his hand on her forehead, it was no longer that warm and he was relieved. But didn't show it on his face because she was warm not that much but still.

She was slightly flushed with the heat. Her chubby cheeks were flushed and her lips oh god her lips. It was red. As if she had put on some lipstick. She was too beautiful and every time he looked at her his breath was taken away. Now that she was sick, she looked even more beautiful. Her hair was shining, her cheeks were flushed, her lips were full. Everything about her just mesmerised him.

Armelle saw the look in his eyes. And blushed even more. He smiled seeing her cheeks warming and he smiled. He put his large hand on her cheeks and caressed them.
"My wolf is pestering me to meet you. You are sick and he hates it."
"What?Paws?"Armelle's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Are you going to shift? Lets go the garden then"

"No, I will just allow him to take over my mind. We are not going to the garden. It's chilly outside. You're still sick, my love."

"Okay. let me talk to him. I will tell him I am okay."
Before she could finish the sentence Endymion's eyes changed into yellow. She realised his wolf was on the surface.He was breathing heavily.

His voice was breathing and Huskies than usual.

Hi, my friends,
How are you all? I hope you guys are doing fine. This chapter was more like a filler for the next one. The next one is going to be an important one. We will get to know a lot about our beloved Endymion's past. I still haven't decided that if I will make a long chapter or divide it into two. But I am working on it. The next chapter will be scheduled for tomorrow (Wattpad is going to be down for maintenance purposes) I hope it doesn't mess my update. If it does them I gonna update the next day.
I love you all, Thank you for your support.

Farah Mahmud Abonti

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