Lost Fathers

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Well, it didn't take one of the best actors of the school (Joe, of course) to fake incredibly painful sickness.

But Joe also didn't like tricking his sister, so he told her the whole thing just before they were about to leave Sam in front of his house.

She took a deep breath when he was finished. She was quite relieved when she heard that Joe wasn't actually sick. But at the end, she had just two words to say, "You boys."

"We didn't have much option," Sam said. He still seemed worried. As Sam was one of the most cheerful student in the whole class, it was quite simple to fake seriousness. His smile just wavered, and finished. He was the most serious person you would have ever seen in your life. Alice was quite a protective sister, but she was also too sensitive about Joe. Joe was her only family. She considered herself lucky to have a brother. He also knew all her secrets, though Alice didn't know all of his. There were two secrets, with his feelings with them.

"Guys, let's talk to my father," Joe said. "He might have some useful information."

"He would." Alice confirmed.

"You can speak more than two words at a time," Joe said.

"Agreed," Sam said.

She rolled her eyes, "Let's go." She strolled forward.

Joe and Sam looked at each other. Sam shrugged and ran behind her, who was already inside the mansion. Joe followed.

From outside, it was a huge majestic white mansion. It shone in the summer sun and in the winter, it's height got lost in the mist.

But from inside, it was a golden and off-white triple XL sized room with a huge dome above it. Antique stuff lined the walls and no one was ever able to decipher what was written on them. Some were in greek, but the others were unknown.

"Alice," Sam said as soon as he entered, "I thought these inscriptions were written in some unknown languages?" He pointed to a tablet of baked clay.

"Why? They are."

She also glanced in that direction. Joe also entered.

"That is written in... Arabic!"

"Urdu," Sam corrected. He pointed to the one beside it, "Egyptian. And the one there, Hindi, there, Sanskrit. Minoan..."

"You can read them?" Joe asked.

"Almost all of them," Sam confessed.

"How?" Alice asked.

"I know 181 languages. I learnt them about 2 years ago. Now I am learning Greek. It's the toughest. My father made me learn them."

"Incredible," Alice said, clearly impressed.

"Wait a second, is this really just a coincidence? You start learning greek and we go on the search of Greece?" Joe asked.

"Don't even dream of going there again," Alice warned.

Sam smiled. That place was a bad one for Alice, but Sam had spend some great moments with Alice there. Though he also sometimes hated that place, but if he thought of Alice with himself there, he just loved the place.

"God knows what you guys hate there," Joe said.

"Yeah, you had Jade there," Sam smiled at Joe.

"Wait, what Jade?" Alice asked. "What are you talking about, Sam?"

"Guys," Joe said, trying his level best to change the subject, "What's this?"

He pointed to a piece of paper lying on a table.

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