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Sam found the goddess first.

Through the corridors, when Sam thought that they were terribly lost, they suddenly reached an opening.

The sunlight blinded them. It was a clear opening, and a rainbow hung in the air. Quite literally hung, just without any support. But it wasn't a fake one. It was quite real.

A girl, probably about nineteen, walked below the rainbow. She had long brown hair and golden irises.

Sam wasn't able to believe his eyes. The golden irises were the most unnatural thing that he has ever seen.

"Sam and Alice," she said in a very sweet voice. "I see you have reached my shrine. The rules of my shrine are quite simple. You have to convince Ares that he hasn't captured this shrine."

"What?" Sam asked.

"In older times, Ares captured my shrine. I mean the shrine of Isis. You have to convince him this is not his shrine. Now go! All the best."

They looked at each other.

"Ares," they said in unison.


Joe and Jade made their way to Ares' control room.

The door to Ares' room was made of hard glass like structure.

But they didn't had to bother to open the door. It opened itself.

"My daughter," a soft and pure voice came from inside. The room was very dark and Joe wasn't able to make the face of the speaker. "Have I trained you for this? Looks like my training wasn't very successful. But since my daughter likes you, Joe, I will give you an offer..."

"Businessman," Joe said. "I am ignoring him. What about you, Jade?"

A huge echoing laugh came from inside.

"I too, Joe," She said.

A growling came from inside. "Then save yourselves."

"Wait!" Sam came running towards them. "This is not your shrine, Ares. You cannot kill us here."

"Wait... what? This is my shrine. Maybe you are thinking this is the shrine of Isis. I am sorry to tell you kiddo, but you are wrong..."

"You captured it? But the owner is still living here."

"That's because we made a treaty..."

"Where are the papers?" Sam asked. His mind was rushing. He was prepared for any answer. His ring uncurled and made it's way to his neck. Sam felt it. But he controlled himself.

Ares seemed to be thinking. "You can ask her. She's the proof."

"That means this is your shrine. Then you have no other shrine?"

"I do have..."

"Then what's your reason for capture?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why have you captured this shrine?"

"To trap and kill people like you," he growled. "What's your purpose to know? What right do you have..."

"I have been registered an Indian citizen recently. I hold the Right to information."

"But I am not of your country..."

"Then which country do you belong to?"


"That isn't a registered country. So you belong to nowhere. Which official identity do you have using which you have created a treaty? Sorry but I don't think that you have any means so that I can recognize you. You can be another person born after him which have a similar face. How do I know that you are the same person?"

"I am Ares!" he bellowed. "You have no right to remove me from this shrine. I have conqured the shrine of Isis..."

"This shrine," Sam repeated.

"I mean..."

"You said this shrine. Not my shrine. Not the shrine of Ares. You said shrine of Isis."

"I meant my shrine!"

"This isn't your shrine."

"IT IS!"

"Even the other shrine isn't yours. The other shrine is the shrine of Ares. And only a god can capture another god's shrine. You didn't even knew this much?"

"Wh... what?" he took a deep breath. "You are tricking me. Isis told you to."

"Every Atlantis is truthful of his word," Sam said. "Leave. You have no right to stay here."

"Oh gosh," Joe said. "Checkmate."

Alice yelled, "Sam! Your neck!"

Then he felt it too.

Something was burning itself behind his neck. As if a tattoo was being etched behind his neck.

He fell on his knees.

"I am leaving," Ares bellowed from inside. "But you won't escape my shrine alive..."

"Again my shrine?" Joe said. "Then that's fine. Just build your own shrine. Now run."

Suddenly the whole place shook.

Sam held his neck and stood up.

"Run," he said.

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now