The brick

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Alice still wanted to yell that it all is crazy and that she doesn't see why she was going there at all.

It should have to do something with intelligence, she thought, and I, without any doubt, am intelligent.

But she knew that she was just trying to console her heart and brain at the moment.

The island had a grassy floor and a huge brass signboard. Just before the signboard was a huge building, exactly like the shrine of Hermes, just larger in scale.

The board said:


I will show this pity on the seekers of my goddess's shrine, fill my wells to the upper edge of their topmost bricks and I will tell you the way.

But, if you cannot, I wouldn't prefer anyone should face my wrath. It will kill you and also make me tired.


Representative of goddess Athena

And this board was the only reason chills went up her spine despite the scuba suit. She was awfully scared to the power of infinity.

After what seemed like less than a second to Alice, they reached to the palace of doom.

They climbed up, and Alice immediately (but reluctantly, as she would have even preferred swimming at the moment) took of her diving suit. Joe was up ahead, with Harrison, reading the board.

"So," Sam said. "Athena doesn't seem to be very kind hearted."

"I have no grounds to doubt that," Alice replied.

"You sure about this, Alice?" he asked. "Because this time I am not."

"We were never sure about the Atlantis thing at all, Sam," she said. "And I know I have you watching my back." She smiled at him.

"I am just worried about you, Alice," he said.

"So you won't be guarding my back?"

"No, I didn't..."

"Of course you didn't meant that, I am just making some ridiculous jokes to not faint from fear."

"I really cannot say I can understand that," he said. "Because if I would have been there, I would be looking for a way to run."

For once, Alice was in confusion whether Sam was trying to tell how brave she was, or he was trying to scare her.

But she wasn't going to let it be the second one, even if Sam meant to. She stepped forward and said, "I challenge you, ATHENA!"

"You do not challenge me," said a voice which she realized was coming from beside her. She turned but saw no one, but then, suddenly, out of thin air, a woman in battle armour almost same as Jade appeared beside her. She had white irises, so they were almost merged in her eyes looked like eggs of a hen, just they weren't bulging. Instead, they looked as it was a plane white paper kept in her eyes. But luckily, they didn't shone in a ghastly way. Alice wondered how strong attack glucolemma.

"I think I should tell you I am not blind," she said.

Alice knew that too. Her eyes were modified. They were stronger and sharper than human eyes. Like... a live camera attached to someone's brain.

But how?

"Stop staring and follow me," she said.

Yeah, so she wasn't blind, much to Alice's disappointment.

Heading towards the lost city of Atlantis: Part 1(the three oceans)Where stories live. Discover now