EIGHT. careful

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season one — episode three

— CAREFULseason one — episode three

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MINJUN AND SAE-BYEOK STAYED rather close to the other, feeling comforted by the fact that they had someone to talk to. They weren't necessarily friends, more like acquaintances. But, it was better to be with somebody rather than be alone the whole time. Being paired with someone would help tremendously.

The rest of the day went by painfully slow, and after what seemed like days, it was 'lights out.'

Minjun, surprisingly tired, crawled onto his bed, not bothering in taking his jacket off. He pulled the covers over his body, staring at the vents on the ceiling, as well as the very bright piggy bank filled with money.

For a while, it was quiet, but that didn't last long. "Hey, open the door, you jerks! I really need to take a piss right now!" Minjun felt himself pry his eyes open, an annoyed look washing over his face.

"Don't you jerks ever take a leak?" The crazy lady from before shouted, banging on the door. "Let me use the restroom! I just need to use the restroom for one second. Is that so hard?" She whined.

Minjun sat up, crossing his kegs and staring at the lady. How annoying. "Miss I don't think they're listening to yo—."

"Yah! I wasn't talking to you!" She turned and yelled at him, almost as if she immediately knew who was talking. Her eyes met his before she turned back around, Minjun rolling his eyes before falling back onto his bed, folding the pillow around his ears to try and cancel her out.

"This room is packed with men. You expect me to piss on the floor?" Minjun assumed she got no answer because she only got angrier after that. "Damn it, you scumbags!" Minjun groaned, the pillow wasn't doing much for him. "At least treat us like human beings if you brought us here!" God, someone please let her go to the bathroom already.

      Minjun let go of the pillow, intertwining his hands in front of him, praying. He just prayed that this woman would shut the fuck up.

      "Hey, Triangle. I don't need you. Get me your supervisor. Get that Square over here, you asshole!" Minjun glanced over at the door, watching as a man with a Square mask moved to be seen.

      "You may not leave the premises after the permitted time." At this, Minjun silently hoped that the woman would shut up after hearing that. "Shit. You think nature calls only when you allow it?" The guy in the Square mask covered the small window, angering the woman.

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