02 - summer job

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Despite Cassie knowing what she want's to do after she graduates high school and college, she still decided to get a summer job. She knew it'll take time to accomplish what she wants to do. She knew that she won't find immediate success in acting straight out of college.

She had talked to Harley's parents, Elizabeth Walker and James Evans, who are both actors. They had told her how long it took them to get to where they are now. Some actors are lucky and are able to find success immediately, but others, it took years.

Evan talks with her parents, Cassie thought it would be a smart choice to get a summer job for now as well as a college degree in the future in something she likes, other than acting, to fall back on, just in case acting doesn't work out.

Cassie managed to get a job as a waitress at a restaurant close to her house.

She began working there shortly after summer started. She applied towards the end of the school and got an interview when school ended and thankfully got the job.

"How was work?" Robin asked Cassie when she got into the car.

Since Robin was on her way home from work on Thursday, she picked Cassie up on the way rather than let her walk home alone.

"Alright," she shrugged.

Cassie threw her backpack to the back of the car.

"When are you getting paid?" Robin wondered.

"Um, my boss said this Friday," Cassie said.

Robin nodded.

Cassie buckled in her seatbelt before Robin began driving the car.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Um, I'm meeting Harley and Zoey," Cassie said.

"Who's Zoey again?" Robin asked.

"Zoey was in the school play," Cassie said. "She was the lead of the spring play."

"Oh, right, right," Robin remembered.

Cassie and Zoey Evans met when they were both auditioning for the spring play during the school year. They had a few classes together, but they never really talked until they both auditioned and made it into the school play. Zoey played the lead while Cassie played the main character's best friends.

Just like Cassie, Zoey was new to Abigail Adams High School and the entire school year, she's been bouncing from friend group to friend group until now.

Only when summer started, Cassie and Harley became better friends with Zoey.

"What do you three have planned?" Robin asked.

Robin turned around the corner.

"Um, I think we're going to the movies," Cassie said, "and dinner before the movie."

"Do you need a ride?"

"Please," Cassie said.

Robin smiled. "Alright. Do Harley and Zoey need rides?"

"I'll ask them tomorrow," Cassie said.

They got home and went up to their unit.

Scott was home, taking food out of the fridge.

"What are you doing, Dad?" Cassie asked.

"Dinner," Scott said.

"Do you need help?" Robin asked.

"Yes, please," Scott requested.

"Should I help?" Cassie offered.

"Nah," Scott said.

"Are you sure?" Cassie asked.

"Yeah, it's fine," Scott assured her.

"Okay," she hesitated.

Cassie went to her room and dropped her bag by her desk and pulled out her laptop.

Before she logged into her laptop, she pulled out her phone.

Harley and Zoey have been texting in their group chat about the following night and what they should do. Cassie finally responded about the following nights plans and agreed on everything.

Right at that moment, Zoey called her.

"Hello?" Cassie said.

"Hello?" Zoey said. "Hey. Are you home?"

"Yeah, I just got home," Cassie said.

"Okay, so you obviously saw the texts," Zoey said. "Do you need a ride to the movie theater?"

"My mom said she'll drop me off," Cassie said.

"Okay. Okay."

"Do you need a ride?" Cassie asked.

"Uh, no, I'm good," Zoey said. "Thanks, though."

"Does Harley need a ride?"

"I don't know."

"I'll text him," Cassie said.

Cassie quickly texted Harley, asking him if he needed a ride to the movie theater.

"Alright, he said he needs a ride," Cassie told Zoey. "He said his mom can pick us up after the movies."


Cassie set her phone down and logged into her laptop.

"So I'll meet you guys there?"

"Yeah," Cassie said. "We'll meet you there."

"Oh, my mom is calling me for dinner."

"Oh. Okay. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah," she agreed. "See ya!"

Dinner was soon ready and Cassie abandoned her laptop and ate dinner with her parents before retreating back to her bedroom.

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