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Harley came over after school

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Harley came over after school.

Cassie and Harley were paired up for a project for class. They had the creative liberty to present their project in any way they want to.

They decided that it was a fun idea to create a video for the class.

Knowing the video will take a long time to make, they decided to go ahead and start on the other homework before getting started. They had to figure out what they were going to talk about and plan it out before they started recording.

Thankfully, they had two weeks to turn it in and had some time to plan everything out and record and edit it if needed.

"Alright," Harley said when they finally got around to planning out the video, "what do we have to do for the video?"

Just when Cassie opened her mouth to respond, her parents came home.

"Hey, Harley," Scott greeted the fifteen-year-old.

"Hi, Harley," Robin greeted him.

"Hey," Harley said, smiling and leaning back on his chair.

"How are you?" Robin asked.

"Good," Harley said.

"Are you two hungry?" Robin asked.

Cassie and Harley looked at each other. At that moment, they realized how hungry they were. They hadn't eaten anything from school.

"I'm taking that as a yes," Robin said.

Cassie and Harley laughed nervously.

"Alright," Scott said, "what do you want?"

Cassie looked at Harley.

Cassie had no idea what she wanted, but since Harley came over, it only seemed fitting that he chose dinner.

"Uh," Harley said, uncertainly.

"Do you guys want something from the deli?" Robin asked.

Cassie's and Harley's eyes lit up at the mention of the deli.

"Alright, I'll call them," Robin said.

She pulled out her phone and called the deli for a pick.

As soon as she was done placing the order, she left with her purse.

Cassie and Harley went back to planning out the video. They looked at the rubric and planned everything around the rubric.

They went over the notes they took in class, the notes from the reading, and the annotations they took.

"What are you two doing?" Scott asked, leaning over Cassie's shoulder at the notes.

"We have a project," Cassie said.

"And we're going to record a video for the class," Harley said.

"What are you going to talk about?"

"Um, it's this book we're reading," Harley said.

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