08 ~ coffee

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Cassie was this close to texting Randy that she can't meet him for coffee. They both had to reschedule when they were going to meet a couple of times due to something coming up. It was either because of family or friend-related issues, it conflicted with their work schedules, or they had something going on.

"Who's Randy?" Scott asked Cassie when she told him and her mother about meeting him for coffee.

"Just a friend," Cassie said.

"How did you meet him?" Robin asked.

"We met him at the sushi place," Cassie said.

"'We?'" Scott asked.

"Harley, Zoey and I," Cassie said. "There's this sushi place that we go to all the time and he works there. And he goes to Lincoln High School. It's pretty close to Abigail Adams."

Scott and Robin looked at each other.

"We know a couple of people who go there," Cassie continued. "Remember Charlotte and Jackson, the twins? And Emma, Lincoln and Olivia?"

"Oh, yeah, I remember them," Robin said.

Scott nodded. 

"Yeah, it turns out, they're friends with Randy," Cassie told her parents. "They go to school with him."

This piece of information seemed to ease her parents a little, but she knew that they were still unsure of whether to let her meet Randy or not.

"I'm taking you to the coffee shop," Scott decided. "I wanna see him.

"Dad! Please don't," she pleaded. "Please."

Scott shook his head. 

"I'm taking you," he said. "There is nothing you can do that will change my mind."

"Will it make you feel better if Harley and Maya came?" Cassie asked.

"A little," Scott admitted, "but still, no. I'm taking you."

Cassie sighed and looked at her mother for help.

She gave Robin a pleading look.

Robin shook her head.

"He's taking you," Robin said. 

Cassie sighed, knowing that no matter what she says or does, her parents will still give her the same answer.

Scott picked up his phone. It looked like he was texting someone.

After breakfast, Scott took Cassie to the coffee shop near the bakery.

"I still don't get why you don't want to meet him at that bakery," Scott shook his head.

The thought of hanging out with Randy at the bakery terrified her. She knew her friends will be there and she couldn't bring herself to tell Randy to meet her there.

"I just want to go to someplace different," she lied.

Scott knew she was lying. He knew there was a different reason, but didn't push it.

When they got to the coffee shop, Cassie turned to her father.

"Alright," Scott said, "if anything happens -"

"I'll text you," Cassie said.

"Call me," he corrected her.

"Okay," Cassie nodded. "I'll call you."

Scott smiled a little.

"Have fun," Scott said, opening his arms for a hug.

"Thank you," Cassie said, hugging her father.

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