desperate PART 3

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school is more fun now than ever, getting to taught vinnie every now and then gives me such a rush (bella when she fucking jumped off a cliff). it's nice to see him get all flustered in front of his friends.

him and his friends were all out by my locker, standing directly in front of it. i needed to get my books so i walked over there in confidence.

"move." i said to vinnie, him being the main one in my way.

"why should i?"

"um because you're in the fucking exact vicinity of my locker and i need to open my locker you fuck nugget." i said holding my books to my chest.

he knocked the books down to the ground and looked back up at me.

"looks like you need to pick those up." he said smirking, his friends behind him laughing.

now here's the thing. we wear school uniforms and the skirts go to mid thigh, but with my juicy, fat, knock them dead, nicki minaj could never, skirt rides up high, and if i bend can see EVERYTHING. so smart of me to wear a red lacy thong today.

i turned around, my back facing vinnie and bent over, grabbed my books, and immediately shot back up. i turned around to face vinnie, watching his friends mouths drop and them hit vinnie clearly signaling "BrO DiD yOu SeE tHaT?" vinnie gulped. he looked nervous.

"staring isn't polite hacker. Now move out of my way." i said pulling my books back to my chest.

"No." he said.

"No?" i repeated.

"No." he said once again.

"hey dallin?" I said to one of vinnies friends, still looking vinnie in the eye.

"uh what?" dallin replied.

"wanna go to that halloween party with me later?" i asked and vinnies eyes darkened.

"uh.. y-yea" he said smiling.

"cool see you there" and i walked away. vinnie was fuming with rage and he smacked dallin upside the head. but vinnie couldn't say too much or else they would know.


i wore a slutty white angel costume (typical) dallin on my left, but i was looking for vinnie.

"i'm gonna go get us a drink" dallin said walking away to be with 2 other girls. all of a sudden i get pulled away by a guy in a mask.

he pulls me in a empty room, and whips off his mask. Vinnie.

"You actually came with him?" he said angrily.

"um yea i literally asked him to come with me. is poor vinnie mad." i said making a pouty face and rubbing his arm.

His expression darkened and he pushed me roughly and pinned me against wall, his hand around my throat.

"wanna see mad bitch?" he said, slightly tightening his grip around my throat.

i parted my lips at his actions and he let go.

"quite rude of you hacker." i said rubbing my throat.

he scoffed, sitting down on the bed.

"quite rude of you to stop" i finished

he looked back over at me from where he was sitting. i was walking towards him. As soon as i got close enough, he pulled me quickly on his lap.


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