best friends brother p2

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It's been about a month since me and vinnie did the dirty, sexy, yummy, horndogalicious seggs. kayla was pretty mad, but forgave me after about a week.

everytime i see vinnie, my mind instantly goes back to that day. it was so hot. oh how i wish it could happen again, but it couldn't. not if i still wanted to be friends with kayla.

Vinnie and i have tried to stay away from each other, but it's so hard. with me hanging out with kayla almost every day and him constantly being there like bro get your lonely ass somewhere else.

today though, i couldn't go to kaylas because she was in new york seeing her other friends. she had called me and asked to house sit for her because she doesn't trust vinnie at all.

fucking great.

i decided to text vinnie and tell him that i would be there and that we should keep our distance.


hey just to let you
know but i'm gonna be
there today. pls stay away.

Ok? why do i
have to stay away?

you always reek of
dog slobber and my
dead great grandmas
sweat. it's gross. 🤢

um, i'm pretty
sure i caught you
sniffing me a few times

                                      just stay away from
                                   me you seamonkey.

i can try you turtle
fin wart.

i arrived at kaylas and knocked on the door. Vinnie answered the door, and yes he had a shirt on this time. thank god. if i saw him shirtless today i'd literally have him turn me around and- yea let's not. he opened the door but he just wasn't letting me in the damn house.

"move it hacker." i said crossing my arms pushing up my boobs to show more cleavage. he caught what i was doing and looked down to watch and looked back at my face, smiling devilishly. but he knows we shouldn't. not after kayla had just forgiven me. instead he moved aside and let me through the door. i walked past him, our eyes still locked.

we've been sitting on the couch watching tv for about 10 minutes when i feel his arm wrap around me. i turned to look at him, only to find he was already looking at me. he started to lean in. i quickly jumped up, him startled.

"you know we can't vinnie." i said sternly.

"do you want to?" he responded his eyes kind of dark.

"but we can't."

"i asked you a question dirty whore." he said lowly walking up to me and grabbing my hair before slightly pulling.

My eyes closed, clearly liking being degraded. i was getting more wet with each breath. he continued whispering in my ear, breathing down my neck, my legs going numb.

"tell me, do you want this?" he said looking me in my eyes darkly, tilting my head up to meet his.

i knew kayla was gonna be mad. but honestly, fuck kayla. i wanted vinnie right now and looking at his prominent bulge, i knew he wanted me too. So in response to vinnie, i bit my lip and nodded slowly.

"use your words love." he said dragging his fingers across my cheek, down to my chin.

"fucking god vinnie YES." i basically screamed because bro what the fuck, just make me unable to walk at the point.

it was enough consent for him because he pulled my lips into his for a hot, seering kiss. his tongue pushed into my mouth quickly, our mouths twining together. it felt like they were meant to be together. molded for another. soulmates. sexmates. vinnie pulled away fast and grabbed my neck all in one move.

"mine" he said as he squeezed tightly, his eyes completely dark.

"yours" i said smiling enjoying the moment completely.

he grabbed my thighs and i knew to jump. he took me upstairs and kicked the door open to his room because he was a bit occupied. as soon as his foot hit the end of the bed, he threw me down.

he pulled his shirt over his head, showing every curve i've loved for years. he leans back down kissing my neck and moving the kisses down to my chest and then pulls off my shirt along with my bra. he then removes my shorts along with my underwear.

"wow." he said.

"wow what" i said smiling.

"i'm gonna destroy you." and his jawline clenched looking darkly down at you and you gulped harshly.



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